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      Myra was walking back from Chemistry of Potions, holding her umbrella as it was softly raining, making sure that her satchel didn't get wet. When she heard the scraping of stone above her, she looked up and froze. Next thing she knew a large gargoyle was falling above her. She felt someone grab her and shove her out of the way. The last thing she saw was the face of Xavier Thorpe before she blacked out.
     It took a second for the girl's vision to focus, but when it did, she saw the face of Xavier Thorpe staring down at her. A weird feeling came as quickly as it went; she looked straight up at him and tried to get up.
    ¨Ugh, I feel like I just drank a ton of alcohol.¨ She looked at the boy sitting near her.
    ¨Take it easy. The nurse said you don't have a concussion, but you have a nasty bump.¨ She nodded. Her eyes immediately went wide and she had a panicked look on her face.
    ¨Shit, where is it?¨ Rummaging through her pockets until she pulled out an old key on a chain. A look of relief washed across her face as she inspected it for any damage. Then wrapped the chain round the key, placing it in her pocket once more.
    ¨Is everything alright?¨ He looked at her in confusion.¨
    ¨ Yep. Well, thank you for helping me.¨ She started to get up off the bed.
    ¨See you around.¨ She began to head out the door.
    ¨Wait. Would you mind if I walked with you?¨ Myra turned to look at her, eyebrows furrowed in a confused expression.
    ¨Sure.¨ He smiled. Which made that weird feeling return.
    ¨ So. I didn't get your name.¨ Xavier spoke, trying to start a conversation.
    ¨Myra. Myra Osborne.¨
    ¨ Xavier Thorpe.¨
    ¨Ah. Nevermore s resident tortured artist, right?¨
    ¨So how did you get into Nevermore anyways?¨
    ¨Um, well, this boy attacked me, and I went into his mind by accident, and may have tortured him with his nightmares, and send him to the hospital.¨ She looked down at her combat boots rather than Xavier's face as she said that.
    ¨Huh, interesting. I wouldn't want to get on your bad side,¨ He joked.
    ¨ Yeah.¨ That comment made her feel just a little bit better about the situation. No matter how well she could use her powers, she would never lose what happened the day she. . 
No, she didn't want to think about it.
    As they walked she noticed people looking. Of course they would look, probably theorizing why she was walking with The Xavier Thorpe. Most likely by tomorrow it will be posted on Enidś blog. They were walking past Xavierś mural when Myra stopped to look at it.
    ¨What do you think?¨ He asked, she turned to look at him.
    ¨I think it is a beautiful piece of art. Also, is that a raven?¨
    "Yeah it's a raven.¨
    The raven represents to some death or bad fortune; to others it represents rebirth and renewal.¨ She muttered. He turned to look at her; she looked at him with a small smile on her face.
    Myra turned around, feeling someone else's eyes on her, turning around, her eyes locked with Bianca Barclay looking at her like she was going to stab the girl. Myra looked straight back at the girl with an unfazed expression on her face.
She turned back to the boy next to her, who was looking in between them.
   ¨Well Xavier, thanks again for saving me from getting murdered, and also for walking with me, your good company.¨
    ¨You're welcome.¨ He gave her a smirk. She smiled.
    ¨Well hope to see you around.¨ With that she walked the rest of the way to her dorm.

    Myra walked into the dorm. Hey, how was your first day?¨
¨ Fine.¨ She replied quickly.
¨Good.¨ Myra walked over to her part of the room and placed her satchel on the bed. Wednesday was hastily pulling back the covers on her bed. Myra went over to see what was the matter, when she saw a hand on the girl's bed.
¨I knew it. Both girls looked at the hand.
¨Hello Thing.¨ Wednesday said as she quickly captured the appendage.
Myra stood there confused. ¨Iḿ sorry but you know an hand.´’ Wednesday turned to look at her. Yes,¨ Then turned back to Thing.
¨Did you really think my highly trained olfactory scent wouldn't pick up on the faint whiff of neroli and bergamot in your favorite hand lotion?¨ She pinned him on the desk.
¨Surrender?¨ Thing tapped out as Wednesday interrogated him.
¨Mother and father sent you, didn't they?¨ Thing nodded no with his finger. ¨Iḿ not above breaking a few fingers.¨
Wait Wednesday, your going to torture your own family?¨ Myra asked.
¨Yes.¨ she said it so nonchalantly, and went back to torturing the hand.
¨The fact that they thought I wouldn't find out proves how much they underestimate me.¨ Thing tried to explain to her that her parents were only worried about her.
¨Oh Thing, you poor, naive appendage. My parents aren't worried about me; they're evil puppeteers who want to pull my strings even from afar.¨ Myra looked between them both.
    ¨The way I see it, you have two options. Option one, I lock you in here for the rest of the semester, and you go slowly insane trying to claw your way out. Ruining your nail, and your smooth, supple skin and we both know how vain you are.
Option two, you pledge your undying loyalty to me.¨ It took Thing a moment to decide before he bowed to Wednesday.
¨First order of business is to escape this teenage purgatory.¨
¨ If you're going to escape, then you may need my help.¨ Wednesday turned to look at her. ¨Alright then.¨ Myra stuck out her hand and Wednesday shook it.
¨Also hello Thing Iḿ Myra.¨ She gave a quick wave to the appendage


Hello everyone, hope that y'all are doing well. Thank you for reading this chapter, and if yall have any questions, comments or concerns put them in the comments.

See you soon - Moony

Inner Demons - Xavier Thorpe - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now