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       It was a slightly cloudy morning, everyone was gathered in the Quad to get their assignments for this year's Outreach Day. Myra fiddled with the chain of her key necklace, as she read ¨A Good Girl's Guide to Murder¨, waiting  for Weems to begin handing out assignments.

    ¨All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10:00 a.m. sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1:00.¨ Weems announced.  

¨As you know, this year, Outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students.¨ People around her cheered. Myra just continued to read her book. 

¨As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward.¨ Weems continued. 
Once she was done Myra walked over to Enid and Wednesday, she was handed an indigo envelope.

¨Yes! I got Pilgrim World. I do have natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kinda the obvi choice, ¨ Enid said.

¨What did y'all get?¨ Myra opened her's.

¨I got the Weathervane.¨ 

¨Oohh, That's a really great cafe.¨ Wednesday opened her's next.

¨Uriah's Heap, whatever that is. 

¨ Ew. It's this weird, creepy antique store. You'll love it though.¨

¨I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together.¨ She smiled and  turned to look over at Ajax, who was standing next to Xavier. 

¨Aww. Well I wish you the best of luck.¨ Myra crossed her fingers on each hand and smiled.

 Weems then walked up to Wednesday, Myra took that as her que to leave and  walked off to the tree, in the middle of the Quad to get back into her book. 

    Around 15 minutes later everyone was getting on to the shuttles to head down to Jericho. Myra sat next to the window and pulled out her headphones to listen to music as she read. 
    Eventually they landed next to the town square and Myra got off of the bus. She placed the bookmark on the page and closed the book. Looking up she noticed that part of a brick wall was covered in white paint. She walked over to it, noticing that Xavier was standing in front with a scowl on his face. 

    Xavier turned to look at her.¨ Hey.¨ 

    ¨Why are y'all staring at a blank wall?¨ Myra turned around and saw Wednesday.

    ¨Hey Wednesday.¨ 

    ¨ It wasn't blank last Outreach Day.¨ Xavier answered Wednesday's question, 
    Wednesday turned to look at him.

 Myra started to leave. ¨ Well see ya'll around.¨ 

Myra walked over to the town square, where the mayor was going to start addressing Nevermore for Outreach Day. Once that was over she quickly went in search of the Weathervane.

After a little while of walking around she finally found the Weathervane. It was a cozy place perfect for drinking some tea and reading a good book. She made a mental note to come back here on the coming weekend. 

Myra walked over to the counter and saw a boy about one to two years older than her, he had wavy light brown hair and green eyes. 

¨Hello, I'm Myra, I'm here for Outreach Day.¨ She stuck out her hand.

    ¨Hello, I'm Tyler, it's nice to meet you. Welcome to the Weathervane.¨ He shook her hand. 

¨It's nice to meet you too. Wait aren't you the one who was trying to help Wednesday escape at the Harvest Festival?¨ 

¨Yeah I am. ¨ He smiled when he said it. Myra softly smiled knowing that he definitely developed a crush on the pig tailed girl.

¨ Well itś nice to meet you again. So where do I start.¨

He went to the back and came out handing her a uniform. 

¨You can go get changed then I´ll show you the ropes.¨


Myra quickly changed out of the indigo and black Nevermore uniform into the light brown shirt and red apron. When she came out she noticed that Xavier was also there. He smiled when he saw her. 

¨Hey Myra.¨

¨Hey Xavier.¨ She smiled back.

¨So you're also working here huh.¨ 


Tyler came from the back and handed Xavier a uniform, Xavier's smile turned into a frown when Tyler handed the uniform to him. 

¨Hey are you alright?¨ Myrs looked at him concerned.

¨Yeah, I'm fine, just not really wanting to work here with him.¨

¨Hey you got me to keep you company, and look on the bright side the day will fly by.¨ She gave him a big smile, and it made Xavier feel a little better about the situation.

Myra spent most of the morning cleaning tables, making lattes, taking orders and occasionally chatting with the customers. It was a pretty fun job in her opinion. 

    Myra was wiping some glasses when she heard the bell ring and Wednesday walked through the door. 
    ¨Hey Wednesday. I thought you were supposed to be working at Pilgrim World.¨ Myra asked the pig tailed girl as she stared at the bulletin board.

    ¨I deserted it while my sanity was still intact.¨
    ¨Good choice. That place is fucked up.¨ Myra said as she continued to clean the glasses. 

    ¨Oh yeah?¨ Xavier said. Myra looked at him with a small confused expression.

    ¨You want a coffee? It's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment.¨ He asked her

¨I´m actually here for Tyler.¨ A flash of jealousy swept across Xavier´s face.

Myra felt a sharp pain in her head and shadows began to attach themselves to her.

¨I told you he was bad news.¨ 

¨Twice. But who I speak to is my business.¨
    Tyler then came out of the back.
    ¨You rang?¨ Xavier scoffed, grabbed his tray and went to clean up a table.
    ¨Want the usual?¨ 
    ¨And some help.¨ 

Myra partly zoned out the rest of the conversion between the two and started to clean some tables. 

    Wednesday did leave the cafe, but as she left Myra saw a look on Xavier's face. That looked like a mix of jealousy and annoyance.

    Throughout  the rest of the afternoon. Myra continued to get her headaches but it slowly became more painful, and difficult to contain the shadows. She also didn't speak to Xavier that much, mostly working and occasionally speaking to customers. By closing her headaches were getting drastically bad and she needed to speak to an old family friend, she decided to go into the woods to do it also it would be a great place to clear her mind.


Hello everyone, how are y'all?
I'm glad to be back on a normal posting schedule again. I hope y'all are doing well and that y'all have a great day.

See you soon- Moony

Inner Demons - Xavier Thorpe - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now