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Kacey was currently sitting alone in the Quad, she didn't really fit in any of the four groups. She wasn't a vampire, werewolf, or siren and she certainly wasn't a stoner. So she just kept to herself and sat in a corner away from anyone else. Doodling in a small journal her father gave her before he went overseas. She kept her eye on the Quad entrance to see if Enid was coming and soon enough she did; but she wasn't alone...

Kacey immediately put her journal down. Her mouth ajar and her eyes wide. The girl didn't look like a murder, she was pretty like really pretty. Kacey so desperately wanted to be friends with her, but who would want to be friends with a normie?

"It's a small school. There wasn't much online about you." Enid stated, staring at Wednesday. "You should really get on Insta, Snapchat, and Tiktok." Enid exclaimed.

"What about her?" Wednesday interrupted, staring at a familiar brunette who was already staring back.

"Oh," Enid followed Wednesday's eyes to Kacey. "Kacey? Shes a normie, when she first transferred there was this big rumor that she killed a bunch of people. But that isn't true." Enid rambled, Wednesday cut her off.

"A normie. Intriguing." Wednesday said as she watched Kacey face redden from being caught staring. Despite being exceptionally intelligent Kacey isn't very good at socializing and when around people she becomes flustered and clumsy. Wednesday's lips quirked at the sight of the flustered brunette. "Very intriguing."


"I can't believe you went all gaga eyes on the new girl!" Enid laughed, both girls were currently walking to Enid's dorm. Against Kacey's better judgment she didn't want to face the pale girl, especially after what happened in the Quad.

"I did not go all "gaga eyes" I was just surprised that's all." Kacey fumed, as Enid opened the door to the dorm.

Kacey saw the pale girl, who she now learned was named Wednesday scrapping away at the colored vinyl that Enid put up.

"What the hell did you do to my room?" Enid exclaimed, her eyes scanning the now half baren window. Kacey hesitantly stepped into the room, trailing after Enid like a lost puppy.

"Dividing our room equally," Wednesday stated while getting up and heading to her desk. "It looks like a rainbow vomited on your side." The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Kacey felt extremely uncomfortable in this situation, she desperately wanted to leave.

"I--" Enid started, but she was interrupted before she could even get a word in.

"Silence would be appreciated." Wednesday interrupted, pulling out her desk chair. "This is my writing time." She continued now sitting down. As much as Kacey wanted to leave something was pulling her towards Wednesday like a moth to a flame. In Kaceys mind this ment she needed to take her prescription. This usually happens when she forgets to take her medication.

Kacey cleared her throat "I'm just gonna leave." Wednesday's head snapped toward the voice, it was the same girl from the Quad. She hadn't noticed the girl until now. Wednesday's gaze softened, it wasn't noticed by Kacey but it was by Enid. The brunette smelled intoxicating in the best way. This girl was getting more and more intriguing by the second.

Any thoughts?
Follow me @maybecheese on tiktok pls

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