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Kacey sat silently in her room, the events of last night still on her mind. There was A LOT to think about.

First, the weird monster thing that killed Rowan. Second, Rowan tried to kill both Wednesday and Kacey. Third, the monster listened to Kacey? To make matters worse, Kacey was put on house arrest after Principal Weems found out she had run out of medication.

  She had claimed it was for Kacey's safety, but Kacey thought she was full of shit. After what happened last night, she feared it was to keep everyone safe from her.


"How could you miss a dead body?" Wednesday scoffed, walking down Nevermore's lobby with the Sheriff and the Principal by her side.

" 'Cause it wasn't there. No footprints, no blood, no sign of a struggle. Nothing, nada. My search party looked all night." The Sheriff retorted

"Well, your search party must have left their seeing eye dogs at home." Wednesday insulted

"I saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of me. Kacey saw it too." Wednesday defended.

"The Sheriff can't get an accurate statement from Kacey, she had recently stopped her medication." Principal Weems butted in. Looking over to the Sheriff, as they walked along to her office.

"Medication for what?" The Sheriff questioned, glancing at Wednesday as to see if she was aware of said medication. But Wednesday looked equally confused.

"Schizophrenia, that is why Kacey was put on house arrest." Weems lied, Wednesday's eyes widened she had spent weeks in countless Psychiatric hospitals and Kacey didn't seem like a schizophrenic.

"Y'know what I don't care, 'cause I got three other dead bodies in the morgue. Hikers just ripped apartin the woods." The Sheriff ranted, waving his arms at Wednesday and Weems.

"The mayor said those were bear attacks." Weems said dumbfounded,

"Well, the mayor and I disagree on that." The Sheriff sighed, Wednesday eyed both adults as they spoke.

"So you automatically assume a Nevermore student is the murderer, even though there's no evidence a crime was even committed." Weems accused, both adults now looking at Wednesday before the Sheriff turned his gaze back to Weems.

"I'm sorry. I forgot, you only teach the good outcasts here, right?" The Sheriff retorted, Weems sighed.

Confusion was evident on Wednesday's face, Kacey didn't have Schizophrenia, it just wasn't possible she didn't have any of the symptoms, then again she had only known her when she was on this 'medication'. Wednesday didn't know what to believe.


Kacey had managed to escape Nevermore. She had drove her car to Jericho, it was possibly the only place she could walk around freely, at least until Principal Weems deemed her safe.

She parked her car in front of the Weathervane. She knew that Wednesday had therapy today so perhaps she would stop for a coffee.

Kacey walked in the cafe, and walked up to counter. She was expecting to see Tyler behind the counter, but it was a girl roughly around her age.

"Can I get a quad over ice please?" Kacey asked politely, the bubbly feeling emerged and disappeared as fast as it came. The workers eyes dilated, and started swaying in a trance.

"I could give you so much more..." The girl, whispered grabbing Kacey's wrist and holding it down against the counter.

"What? Let me go." Kacey stammered, tugging her wrist backwards in a attempt to be released.

"Anything for you." The worker said, letting go of Kacey's wrist, staring dreamily at the frightened girl.

Kacey ran off as fast as she could, ignoring the stares she got as she ran to her car. Maybe her suspicions were correct, she was a danger, and she didn't know why


I'm going to start to put random Kacey fun facts at the end of chapters.

Fun fact, Kacey has an eating disorder, and has to leave reminders around her dorm so she can remember to eat.

Also any thoughts?

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