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Kacey ran off leaving Enid and Wednesday standing alone. She held her hand over her mouth, trying to prevent more blood? From coming out. She stumbled in the corridors, trying to lead herself to Principal Weems' office. She needed an explanation, she couldn't live like this.

If she had know that growing fangs, bleeding pink, and extreme pain were the 'peculiar side effects' Weems was talking about, she would have never drunken the stupid potion.

More blood began to pour out of her mouth, the liquid oozing between the crevices of her fingers. The only sounds present in the corridor were the heavy footsteps of Kacey and the occasional dripping of blood.

Surprisingly it didn't hurt, the only part that hurt was her head, and she felt the bubbly feeling in her body emerge once again.

Kacey really couldn't catch a break, if anything the potion made her powers worse not erase them. At least before she had somewhat of an idea of what she was but now she was completely lost.


Kacey stumbled in Principal Weems office, after what felt like an eternity.

"What did you do to me.." Kacey murmured, she had used most of her energy trying to get here and the bleeding, and headaches certainly didn't help.

Principal Weems sat at her large desk, a smile present on her face, as she stared at Kacey's disheveled figure.

"I didn't do anything." Weems said offended by the accusation. Kacey stumbled over to her desk, still holding her hand to her mouth to prevent more blood from pouring out.

"I wasn't like this before, fix me please..." Kacey whimpered painfully, taking her hand off her mouth in order to breath properly.

Weems stared at Kacey, seemingly considering the offer.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. Believe me Kacey I don't have anything against you, but your mother signed a contract." Weems grinned, opening her desk drawer, pulling out an identical vial to the one Kacey drank.

Kacey's eyes widened, her mind connected the dots. Weems was going to use the potion on her again.

"Why don't we talk about this?" Kacey stammered, walking backwards slowly.

Weems stared at her wristwatch, before looking at Kacey's retreating figure.

"3, 2, 1...." Weems counted, Kacey collapsed to the ground clutching her head in her hands. Weems picked up a syringe and poured the potion in.

In the blink of an eye, Kacey was on Weems desk, hovering over her. Kacey had grabbed onto Weems collar, holding it tight.

Kacey's now bright pink eyes stared into Weems' blue eyes. Weems sighed happily.

"I truly have out done myself." Weems complimented. Weems grinned, holding up the syringe and injecting it into Kacey's neck.

Kacey let go of Weems, she shakily brought her hand up the the syringe tearing it out of her skin.

"What did you do." Kacey mumbled, feeling lightheaded. Kacey struggled to keep herself awake, her eyes fluttered open.

"I just unlocked your true potential." Weems stated, caressing Kacey's cheek as she fell unconscious. She collapsed to the ground.


I accidentally fell asleep while writing this chapter, sorry for the late update.

"New" Kacey

"New" Kacey

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Me and my friends made a discord server and I usually post chapter sneak peaks there. I also posted what Kacey actually is, in that server. Incase you wanted to check it out.

Kacey fun fact, Kacey is left handed.

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