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Tw! Gore descriptions, slightly sexual themes.

Wednesday sat at her desk typing all her worries away. She grunted ripping the paper from the typewriter, crumbling the paper and tossing it to the side. Thing kicked the paper into the trash bin by her desk.

Wednesday had alot on her mind, Rowan was alive, she was apparently going to destroy the school? and Kacey hadn't showed up to watch her write like she said she would. For some reason Wednesday was looking forward to having Kacey in her presence. The brunette was oddly comforting, she didn't even have to do anything and Wednesday felt comfortable.

The pale girl longed for that feeling of comfort, it was usually something she despised, but the brunette had made her rethink her morals.


Kacey awoke in darkness, her eyes took awhile to adjust the dark. They were multiple trees around her, and the faint sound of crickets echoed through the forest. From afar, the only part of Kacey that could be seen were her bright glowing pink eyes.

(Gore descriptions below)

Kacey felt sticky, her body, her face, her hands, it all felt sticky. She felt a warm liquid drip down her forehead, she looked down, only to find herself covered in blood. Her first instinct was to check herself for injuries, not really checking her surroundings. She placed her hand on the ground, going to get up. Her hand grazed over someone else's. She snapped her head towards the body laying next to her. It was a man, he had blonde hair and appeared to be in his early 20s.

He wasn't wearing a shirt, and Kacey now realized that she wasn't either. The man's lifeless body was the one who was bleeding. By the looks of it, his heart had been ripped out, his chest was ripped open, and his intestines were dangling out his body.

Kacey gagged, at the sight of his dismembered body. She put her hand to her mouth, and turned away.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw what she could only assume was his heart. Chunks of it were missing, it layed by Kacey's bloody hand, her mind slowly connected the dots. Between her bloody hands and mouth and the half eaten heart, she could only assume the worse.

Kacey hesitantly glanced over to where the man laid. Bite marks littered his body, similar to those of a vampire. His lifeless eyes were wide open staring at Kacey, she couldn't help but feel bad. She didn't know him, and he most likely didn't know her, but she couldn't even remember what happened, let alone his name.

But at least Kacey's head no longer hurt?

As selfish as it sounds, Kacey held no remorse for her actions.

It was honestly pathetic, a big "strong" man like him lost to a teenager? There was nothing more humorous.

Kacey found herself smirking at his dead body, she found this whole situation hilarious. She chuckled, as she  bent down and picked up what was left of his heart. Biting down on it, as if it were an apple.

She gazed over the ground while chewing on the raw organ. She grinned, once she found what she was looking for, her shirt. She picked up the bloody cloth, walking happily back to Nevermore, where she had promised a certain someone, she would watch her write.

Shoutout to my discord pals, (you know who you are) for being the best🤞

Fun fact, Kacey's body is littered with scars. (Most being from failed experiments)

Shoutout to Emily, Sage, and Theseus.
Also the ship name for Wednesday and Kacey is addamite, if you can think of a better one let me know🙏

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