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Despite the knife at her throat Kacey didn't move an inch. The cold metal pressed on against her throat along with Wednesday's piercing cold eyes made her shiver.  For a split second Kacey's glowing eyes faltered, returning to their normal brown and for that split second Wednesday lowered the knife. That was her first mistake, a mistake that was something she had been making often recently especially around her.

This would've been a great opportunity for Kacey to get back in control but she was too distracted. Distracted by two things, one being the murderous girl in braids standing in front of her and the second, being the battle going on in Kacey's head. Two beings fighting between who's taking control; Kacey and this other version of her, the version that had an inhumane appetite for flesh, the human kind. The version of her that could seduce anyone in heartbeat. The version of her that wanted to rip everyone's heart out literally. But in the end that version of her won and Kacey was just left to watch what was going to unfold.


"You're not Kacey." Wednesday accuses, pressing the knife even closer to her neck. The silence in the room was so loud, a pin could be heard if it were to drop.

"Who are you." Wednesday's eyes narrowed, looking deeply into Kacey's glowing pink ones.

Kacey didn't say anything, just continued staring into Wednesday's dark brown eyes.

Wednesday began wondering why the brunette wasn't speaking. I mean she was head to toe covered in crimson blood. Was she hurt?

The black haired girl subtly began eyeing Kacey up and down to check for any injuries. When she didn't find any, she came upon the realization that the blood wasn't hers.

"No, not who are you.. What are you." Wednesday gritted, her eyes narrowed

"I'm Kacey" the brunette girl whispered her eyes flashing between pink and brown. Her body kept as still as she could to avoid getting her throat sliced open.

"Now can you stop with the games 'day" the brunette girl continued.

'Day? Wednesday raised a brow at the nickname but for some reason that simple word was enough for her to put the knife down. It was enough for her to throw all reason out the window.

And she couldn't say that she hated how manic she seemed while being completely covered in blood and acting like normal. She couldn't say she liked it either, it was certainly something.

"Hello? Earth to Wednesday, you there?" Kacey asked, waving her hand infront of the other girls face. Causing the girl to snap out of her short daze.

"Obviously I'm here, don't you see me" Wednesday responded in her usual monotonous voice.

"Also what was with the whole knife to the throat thing? Can't really say I was into it" Kacey teased, a subtle smile danced across her face.

Wednesday looked puzzled. Did she not remember all the odd things she said to her?

"Don't you remember saying anything to me prior?" Wednesday questioned, staring intently at the brunette.

"Uh no?"

Wednesday stared at Kacey for what felt like an hour for the taller girl. Searching for any sign of dishonesty, when she couldn't find anything she sighed in defeat.

She didn't say anything, Kacey simply walked out of the room with seemingly no readable expression and Wednesday didn't stop her.

Maybe she should have, and offered go help clean her up. Or press her about who's blood her was covered with but she simply didn't care. Who was Kacey anyway, she was a random girl she met less than a 2 days ago and yet she had her wrapped around her finger.

All she knew now was that Kacey definitely isn't the normie girl everyone says she is..


Uh hey☺I'm back

Funfact, Kacey doesn't know how to tie her shoes👎

Lmk if there's any grammar errors (I wrote this at 3am and my phones at 2%)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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