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Wednesday barged into Principal Weems' office, she had a couple of questions on her mind. some of which involved a certain brunette.  Confronting Weems was one of the more manageable tasks on her To-Do list.  She also didn't feel like conducting a search party for Kacey, who hasn't been seen since yesterday morning.

"I need to speak with Rowan. I can't find him." Wednesday demanded, unfortunately Rowan wasn't the only person she couldn't find...

She walked up to Weems' desk, a menacing glare present on her freckled face.

"It won't be possible, I'm afraid. He's been expelled." Weems deadpanned, continuing to type away at her laptop. Wednesday held a 'are you serious' glare.

"For what?" Wednesday questioned, staring at Weems looking for any trace of a lie.

"Never you mind. He'll be on the first train out this afternoon." Weems dodged the question.

"What were you doing out in the woods with him?" Weems asked, looking up from her laptop, she furrowed her brows.

"Kacey was there also." Wednesday blurted, blush crept on face adding some color to her usually pale demeanor.

"Besides I told you already. We heard a noise and went to investigate." Wednesday stated, the blush still present on her pale face.

Weems scoffed, "That excuse might have placated the Sheriff, but you can't fool me." She shook her head in disbelief.

"You had a psychic vision, didn't you?" Weems accused, a glare present on her face. Wednesday seemed taken a back by the question.

"I realized you might be having them when we passed by the accident and you knew that poor farmer had broken his neck."

Wednesday's eyes widened, slightly shocked that Weems had figured out her secret.

"Your mother started having visions around your age. They were notoriously unreliable and dangerous." Weems lied, trying to sympathize with Wednesday.

"I remember at first, she thought she might be losing her mind. Have you spoken to her about them? Clearly the person withholding information is you." Weems accused, a menacing glare etched across her face.

"May I go now?" Wednesday asked, feeling fairly uncomfortable in this situation. Besides she had more pressing matters to attend to, like finding Kacey, finding out what happened to her, and finding Rowan. Although he wasn't that high up on her priorities list.

"Not until you've picked your extracurricular activity." Weems smiled, finding some sort of joy in seeing Wednesday's uncomfortable defeat.

"We want our students to be well-rounded." Weems stated.

"I'd prefer to remain sharp-edged." Wednesday rebuttled, crossing her arms.

"I took the liberty of putting together a list of clubs that have openings." Weems grinned, placing a clipboard infront of her.

"How thoughtful." Wednesday deadpanned, glancing down at the clipboard slightly adjusting her head to get a better look.

"You need to have picked one by the end of the day." Wednesday glanced up at Weems, wanting to ask if a certain someone was in any of those clubs.

"I'll be keeping my eye on you. No doubt you'll find something that tickles your fancy." Weems stated flashing a smile towards the pale girl.

"The last person who tickled me lost a finger." Wednesday glared, picking up the clipboard, walking away. As she was walking out she spotted a small puddle of pink liquid, similar to the liquid that was there the last time she saw Kacey.

Wednesday turned the corner, bumping into someone the exact brunette she was looking for absolutely smothered in blood.

Sorry for the late chapter, I fell asleep again.

Only the real ones know what's happening next chapter.😏

Fun fact, Kacey fidgets with her fingers whenever she's nervous.

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