I'm Wishing

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Worry and annoyance swirled in my chest. The clock had already ticked into the early morning and Agatha was still nowhere to be seen. She had missed curfew and had left no note. I was pacing back and forth between my bed and hers going through every possible scenario in my head. Maybe she was still at the library. Maybe she'd gotten lost in the castle. Maybe she'd been captured by rogue Nevers or was being tortured by one of the gargoyles. Every scenario just got worse and worse.

"Where could she be?" I mumbled

Rin tweeted, trying to calm me down from where he stood on my bed frame. After telling me all he'd seen while exploring, I'd spent the rest of the evening telling him my side of the story. I'd told him everything, including the um... situation concerning a certain curly headed blond. We'd talked so much we hadn't noticed it had gotten dark outside. This was hours ago.

Suddenly, the door creaked open and I stopped dead in my tracks. A swish of black came in the room and closed the door as quickly as it had opened it. Agatha stood there leaning against the door with a shocked look on her face. She probably expected me to be asleep by now. I crossed my arms over my chest and lifted a brow at her.

"Where on earth were you?! And how did you not get caught? Curfew was hours ago!" I demanded.

"I was... um..." She looked away from me and around the room. "Why are you standing around in the dark?"

I'd turned the lights off as soon as the sun had set. After my little encounter with the gargoyles out on the balcony, I wasn't looking to be caught breaking another rule. Still, I wasn't going to tell her about that. Chances are that she'd think I was insane.

"I was waiting for you and I didn't want the fairies to know I was up past curfew." I narrowed my eyes at her. "Don't try to change the subject."

She rolled her eyes and looked down at her black shoes. "I was... out. Meeting a friend. That's all."

"A friend? Sophie?" I asked, nearing her. "Is everything okay?"

Agatha simply scoffed. I knew that she'd been having trouble adjusting to the school and, having met Sophie, she was no doubt finding it just as hard. I took her in, frowning and avoiding eye contact, and let out a sigh.

"Aggs, look, I'm not going to tell anyone. If you feel like you can't trust me yet, that's completely fine. Just know I'm here to help, with anything you need. I'm on your side"

She stayed silent for a moment longer.

"...Thank you" she mumbled.

"Of course." I smiled, "What are friends for?"

Sensing the end of our conversation, I turned and settled down in my bed. I noticed Rin had hidden behind one of my pillows so, as discreetly as I could, I opened one of my nightstand's drawers for him. He settled down on top of some random socks I kept there in case it got too cold and fell asleep in seconds. I myself got under the covers and looked to see Agatha had done the same, except she was looking towards the closed blinds looking pensive.

"Good night." I said, already feeling sleep starting to catch up to me.

My roommate's voice was noting but a soft murmur in the dark room. "Ver... could I ask you something?"

Verena __.t.pendragonWhere stories live. Discover now