Unwelcomed Anomalies

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"Hey! Ree!" I waved from my seat in the auditorium-like room.

History of Fairytales was held here since it was the only room that had enough space for both girls and boys. I was sitting in the far back and saw Reena walk in by herself. I'd been trying to find her to spend some time together since she was always accompanied by Beatrix and her posse.

When her head whipped around and her eyes found mine, I waved her over feeling excited to finally have my friend all to myself. However, that excitement was short-lived. Reena looked at me with a guilty look and gestured to a couple of rows ahead, where Jeevan sat, next to a chair with some books on the seat so no one would take it.

Oh, I thought. He'd saved her a seat.

I tried to hide my disappointment and gave her a smile and a nod, which she reciprocated with a bright grin and a squeal. This was her dream, the love story. I would hate myself forever if I stood in her way.

I sank into my seat as much as I could while maintaining a perfect posture and waited for class to begin. When everyone had taken a seat, a man with combed silver hair and a brown suit walked in and sat his books down on the podium up front.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Professor Sader" he said, smiling at the crowd. "I will be your History of Fairytales teacher for this school year. I also teach at the school for Evil, so I will only be present every other week. I do not hold office hours, so if you have any questions you will find the answers to them in your textbooks or any of my self-authored books currently in the school library. Now, roll call. Beatrix!"


"Again, Beatrix!" He said and I scoffed, amused at the thought of someone not hearing that shrill, annoying voice.

"Right here!" She repeated.

"Ok, thank you, Beatrix! Frederick!"

"Present!" A prince answered.

"One more time. Frederick!"


"Thank you, Frederick! Kiko!" And so he went, calling each of our names twice.

I tilted my head in thought. Strange. He calls our names multiple times but he doesn't look in our direction.

By the time class actually began, I had figured out the answer as to why. Professor Sader was blind.


Class was over and I was chatting with the girl next to me about today's lecture.

"Can you believe it?" She said, still half in shock. "She refused to marry! Just flat out refused!"

We had talked about one of the Woods' lesser-told tales, The Bear And The Bow, one of my favorites. It was about a princess who ruled by herself, had adventures, and fought in wars. It was an ancient tale, her kingdom was long gone by now which explains why not many people knew her story. And why the whole auditorium had audibly gasped when they'd heard it.

"I don't see why you're freaking out Lindsay. It was a long time ago. Things were different then." I shrugged.

"I know but... I don't know... not marrying? It just feels a bit... unnatural"

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

"It's just not that common that an unmarried princess has a story."

"There have been plenty of people who have had stories written about them while unmarried! Jack And The Beanstalk, Peter Pan, Hansel And Gretel, all of them were unmarried when they got their stories."

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