The World vs. Agatha

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I rushed after the boy with everything I had as he ran up the narrow stairs laughing gleefully like kids do when they play.

"Hey!" I shouted. "Slow down!"

He laughed again and I chased him but I didn't seem to get any closer. The stairs got darker and darker as if they were the stairs to a dungeon, and it felt as if the brick walls were slowly closing in. I looked around in a panic and the boy sped up his pace.

"Stop! You're going to hurt yourself!"

When he finally stopped, he looked back at me who stood a few steps behind him. His bright blue eyes seemed to shine through the darkness where as his jet-black hair seemed to blend into it.

"Hurry up! You'll be late!" He said

The boy reached into the dark and turned a doorknob I didn't know was there. A bright light came through the doorway as he stepped through. I heard music flow from the entrance and started to run again. The light was so blinding I covered my eyes as I reached the last step.

The second I opened them, I was overwhelmed.

It was a ballroom, filled to the brim with people dancing and chatting and enjoying themselves. The men wore their best attires and the women their finest gowns, and all of them wore gorgeous embellished masks that hid each of their identities. Strings music filled the room and the sweet smell of strawberry pastries flooded my senses. I looked down at myself and realized I was also in a gown, a green strapless ballgown paired with long green gloves but no mask. My hair cascaded down my back and I could feel the familiar weight of a crown on my head. I had never had a dream this vivid.

A flash of black hair and a laugh snapped me out of my trance. I spun in place looking for the boy who had brought me here. I wasn't too sure why I was chasing him, but something deep in my chest told me I needed to find him.

The blue-eyed boy stood at the entrance of the balcony on the other side of the ballroom. Though his back was turned to me he, looked older than he was a few minutes ago. He seemed taller and lankier, his skinny arms seemed awkwardly out of proportion compared to the rest of him.

I rushed to get to where he was. However, I couldn't take five whole steps before one of the guests stepped in front of me.

"Your Majesty! It is so wonderful to see you! Are you enjoying the festivities?"

"Wha- oh! Um, yes. Yes, everything is great. If you'll excuse me." I stepped around him with an apologetic smile.

Another man and his wife got in my way this time. "Queen Verena! We-"

"I am so sorry but I cannot talk right now. I promise I will find you later."

I got past them and continued on my way. Still, more people attempted to talk to me as I walked towards the boy, all of them calling me 'Your Majesty' or 'My Queen'. I paid them all no attention, my sole focus being the black-haired boy by the balcony. He had walked past the doorway and was now looking over the railing to the horizon beyond.

Suddenly, a hand on my waist stopped me. "And where exactly are you running off to?"

I froze in place. That voice. The accent lacing it. It caused all the air in my lungs to leave my body at once. I looked down at the hand on my waist and let my eyes travel up his arm, up to his masked face.


He smiled. "Who else?"

I tore my eyes from him and signaled toward the boy. "I have to speak to him. Now."

Verena __.t.pendragonWhere stories live. Discover now