Dinosaur King: Ancient Frost season 1 intro

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(The primary six-stone plate rotated in a circle, it blasted all the stones in random directions before the logo displayed on the screen)

Are you ready? On nights when my heart hurts like this Have an image in your head of yesterday's weak me, Be strong tomorrow.

(Max was holding the lightning stone as he looked up in the sky, and Chomp, who was right beside him, bite Max's leg, causing him to fall to the ground)

Today is the exact opposite of what I want to do

(Rex and Ace were walking in the rain with raincoats. Then the wind began picking up. Rex raised his arm, which was holding the Wind Stone.)

Then tomorrow If you don't change, you'll be left behind I told myself deep in my heart

(Zoe was watering plants in the garden when Paris sniffed some flowers and sneezed, making Zoe giggle, with the Grass Stone poking out of Zoe's Apron.)

he is now flying far above There's no time to stop

(Zach was ice fishing in the cold when he suddenly pulled out a fish, but it got gobbled up by Suchus. Zach throws a fit as Suchus immediately jumps back into the water. Zach's Straw-hat was lying on the ground next to the Ice Stone.)

Now whenever I look up at the sky, I'm always going to see you

(Laying on the grass were Max, Rex, Zoe, and Zach, as little kids. They looked at the stars with awe and wonder. As a shooting star soars over the sky, It Twinkles.)

Then tomorrow If you don't change, you'll be left behind

(Zach holds his straw hat with a small smile on his face. He looks over at his friends, who are calling out and waving to him. Zach puts on his hat with a wide grin on his face. He runs towards his friends and comes to a halt right next to them. Then they all looked off a cliff at the same time.)

He is now flying far above there's no time to stop I understand because I understand

(The D-Team grabs Triceratops, Carnotaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Deinosuchus cards, and slashes them on their Dino Holders.)

Fire in my heart You are a fighter; I'm not going to give up until I reach my hand. Blazing for Blazing for

(Chomp begins to sprint, power building up in his horn; it switches to Paris, who stomps the earth, conjuring a massive root from the ground; it switches again to Ace, who is running around at high speed. as he was surrounded by a tornado.

Never, ever give up. Let's go light up your wishes and your thoughts.

(Suchus continued sprinting swiftly. He launched himself quickly as he began spinning rapidly. Suchus collided with a creature with enormous tusks, but the figure was covered in snow.)

There's no way to get it across if you don't bump into it

(Dr. Taylor demonstrates his lasso skills only to tangle himself up; he falls over, while Reese simply face-palms. It switches over to Wallace putting his detective hat on. Someone takes a picture of Wallace as he turns around and sees Yuki having a camera.)

Breaking for Never Give Up, Standup you are not lose proof the of existence

(Terry, Spiny, and Tank are pictured standing close to the Alpha Gang. It then cuts to Dr. Zee lowering himself into a hover chair, surrounded by a swarm of shadow dinosaurs that glow oddly. On the screen, the Alpha Gang logo emerges.

Are you ready?

(The Alpha Gang and the D-Team are both prepared to battle. Their dinos are charging at one another. The logo reappears on the screen just before they are about to collide.)


A/N: I always wanted to make an intro song for Dinosaur King. Well, here it is, and I hope you guys like it.

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