Friend or Foe? part 2

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At Gautama Park, a sprawling oasis of green in the heart of the city, a large pond sparkles in the sun. In the center of the pond, a massive Deinosuchus can be seen with its head poking out from the water. Zach perches on the giant crocodile's snout, fishing with a makeshift rod made from a stick and some twine. The park is filled with lush vegetation, and the tranquil sound of running water can be heard throughout the area.

"See, I told you I knew the way," Zach boasted to Deinosuchus, who let out a low growl in response. A hint of annoyance crossed Zach's face as he stuck his tongue out, but he quickly put it aside, saying "Well, at least we made it here."

The two remained silent, with the only sounds being the gentle rippling of the water and the soft hum of Zach's fishing line.

"Suchus, do you have a family?" Zach asked, breaking the silence between them. The large dinosaur let out a low grumble, acknowledging Zach's question. "You did? Were they big like you?"

Deinosuchus responded with a grumble, causing Zach to look disappointed. As Zach continued to ask questions, including some childish ones, they were unaware of someone watching them from inside a nearby bush. Two glowing eyes observed them, and the Alpha Trio was standing right beside them.

Ursula asked her two chibi dinosaurs, Spiny and Tank, "There it is, are you ready?" Both of them growled in response.

Zander and Ed pulled out their Alpha scanners. They quickly turned Spiny and Tank into cards and slashed them into the slots.

Meanwhile, Zach whined, "Awww man, nothing's biting on my line! Come on, you stupid fish!" as he noticed his bait wasn't attracting any fish.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over them, and as they looked up, they saw Spiny and Tank crashing into Deinosuchus. The impact was so strong that Zach was knocked off the giant crocodile's snout and into the water below. Zach starts flailing in the water, struggling to keep his head above the surface as he begins to sink. Meanwhile, Deinosuchus is fully engaged in a fight with Spiny and Tank, oblivious to Zach's predicament. Spiny and Tank circle around Deinosuchus in the lake, ready to attack. Deinosuchus growls menacingly, preparing to defend himself.

Spiny charges forward with a fierce growl, leaping at Deinosuchus with his sharp claws extended. But Deinosuchus quickly reacts, snapping his jaws shut just inches from Spiny's face. Spiny dodges to the side and counters with a swift tail whip, smacking Deinosuchus in the snout. Meanwhile, Tank charges at Deinosuchus from the other side, her powerful tail leading the way. Deinosuchus tries to dodge, but Tank's tail lands a glancing blow, leaving a gash in his tough hide.

Infuriated, Deinosuchus lunges forward and grabs Tank in his jaws, thrashing her back and forth in the water. Spiny rushes to Tank's aid, sinking his teeth into Deinosuchus' leg. But Deinosuchus shakes his off and turns his attention back to Tank. As Tank charges toward Deinosuchus, the giant crocodile prepares to defend himself. With a powerful swipe of his tail, Deinosuchus smacks Tank, sending her flying out of the water and crashing onto the shore. Deinosuchus had successfully tossed Tank towards the land, leaving her momentarily incapacitated, and let out a triumphant roar.

Meanwhile, Spiny charges toward Deinosuchus from the side, attempting to flank him. But the giant crocodile anticipates his move and quickly turns towards Spiny. With a loud roar, Deinosuchus lunges towards Spiny, jaws open wide. Spiny manages to dodge just in time, narrowly avoiding Deinosuchus' deadly jaws. But the crocodile isn't giving up that easily. He quickly turns towards Spiny and starts snapping his jaws, attempting to catch him in his mouth.

Deinosuchus succeeded in grabbing Spiny by the neck and quickly tossing him deeper into the water. As he focuses his attention back on Tank, she is still struggling to get back on her legs. Seasoning the moment Deinosuchus jumps out of the water and runs towards Tank. While the Alpha gang began frantically panicking, they jumped out of their hiding spot.

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