The Story Of M.E.D

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About M.E.D

Hi! My name is Esther M, Suicidal Esther. Well, thats what people call me...

Age= 17

Height= 1.64

Full Name- NOT VALID

Problem- i am ---- Not like the----- kind but i feel --------

Chapter One - It's going to be okay



"Full Name?"

"Miranda Esther." I faked what i thought was a smile.

"Welcome to High School for um...people like you" She stood up awkwardly and held her hand out. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Okay. Right" She sat down and gave me a gentle pat on the head. "Service!" Immediatly a man came in. "Show Miranda here her room please!" She smiled at me. I stood up and followed the man out.

"I'll see you later" She called as the man led me out of the room and into the school of...

We past the school canteen, 4 huge buildings and the school garden until we reached a beautiful victorian looking building with greek poles and Aztec patterned tiles. "Is that a hotel?" I asked shocked at the sight.

"No. Its where all students stay. Heres your key and your books. Room 14, 2nd floor." He spoke so fast I barely heard what he said and before I knew it, he left.

I took one last look at the magnificent structure and pushed open the door.

The place was packed with teenagers,12 or above. There was crying and pain everywhere. It was not a pretty sight. People curled up into a ball talking to themselves under tables, people silently hurting themselves, and people sitting with their faces to the walls. I couldn't stand the sight so I scanned the area quickly for the stairs and ran up to the second floor. My room was right at the end of the hallway.

"14" I mouthed as I unlocked the room with the key and entered what seemed to be a whole entire apartment. I couldn't believe it! I had my own kitchen, toilet, room and even a balcony!

This isnt so bad.

I suddenly felt weird like a sudden rush of warmth inside of me a feeling, i've never felt before.  It was a tingling sensation that crawled across my face threatening to spread my face. What is going on? My thoughts were interrupted with the sound of the bell.

Making my way to the door blankly with the previous thought still in my head, an angelic voice spoke. Well it sounded like an angel anyway, a silky deep and soothing sound. Just the voice alone sent chills up my arm. I managed to pull open the door completely and found myself staring directly into a gorgeous chest. My eyes immediately made their way up, taking in every small detail of the stranger. Wide broad shoulders, nicely shaven chiseled chin, beautiful full lips, soft brown hair that covered one of the most beautiful looking eyes i have ever seen. They were green with hints of gold. He was easily the hottest boy I have ever seen, or will ever see. I was still staring at him adoringly when this perfect boy spoke again. 

"Hi! I'm Nathan. You must be Miranda"

I realized him looking at me with an amused look on his face and felt my cheeks heat up."Yes I-I'm Miranda" I managed to stumble. He is so beautiful. I've never seen such a beautiful creature before. Then memories of that night hit me.

That boy. 

Brown eyes.

Black hair.

"Oh my god.!" I cried slamming the door and running to the back of the apartment.

"Hey! Whats wrong? I wont hurt you!" What is wrong with me? I just slammed the door in the face of a greek god! 

Not all boys are like Calvin.

The boy continued to call for another 5 minutes but eventually gave up and I decided that was my cue to open the door.

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