Chapter Twelve -

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So sorry for not uploading in such a long time. But I just can't feel the story anymore...I'll still finish uploading it though. But it might take a while.

Sorry this chapter is so short. It's just a little chapter to kinda show miranda changing and leaving the school.

K thanks for reading:)



“Ms Esther? Will you come with me for a minute?” I gave a quick nod as she began to walk ahead of me. I turned around and gave Oliver a confused look. He just smiled and urged me to follow her. So I did. I began thinking about what I could have done in the past 24 hours that could possibly get me in trouble...OH no! Have they found out about the Tv in my toilet? Crap crap crap crap. I started mentally slapping myself for not hiding the TV better when she stopped. I quickly looked up and found myself outside her office. The one in which I first came to when my mum announced I was crazy. My palms began to sweat and my legs began to wobble. Is there something else wrong with me? Is that why she had that look on her face? What is going on? I couldn't take it anymore.

“Um sorry but what's going on?” Then her expression changed. She simply opened the door and told me to have a seat. So I did. There was a familiar looking women sitting in front of the desk. I couldn't make out who she was. Until she turned around.

“Mother?” I asked tears beginning to form in my eyes as she stood up and walked towards me smiling and with arms outstretched. I walked into them and she hugged me for the first time in years.

“Oh honey, I missed you” I could not believe I was hearing this. She's being gentle? I just stood there hugging her back until someone cleared their throat.

I turned around.

“Oliver told me that you really missed you mother and that you were very upset when you couldn't reach her. So he came to us.” Ollie did this? I smiled. Seeing me smile, Mother began to have tears in her eyes.

“Oh baby!” She choked as she hugged me again. The women at the door slid around us and sat down behind the desk. After about another minute of hugging, Mother let go and we both sat down.

“Okay, So the real reason why I brought you here wasn't to just have you see your mum again.” She began. I waited for what seemed like eternity until she stood up smiling with her hand out “Congratulations” She didn't need to say anymore. I thought back to the first day when she stood up with her hand out and how I refused to touch her. I smiled at that and stood up shaking her hand. I can feel Mother's smile broaden. “Your Mother is here to discuss about your new school that you will be attending on Wednesday.” Today was Monday.

“I-I'm leaving?” I couldn't help smiling.

“Yes dear, you're going home.” A warm sensation bubbled inside of me wanting to break out. I didn't understand what it was so I just carried on smiling. After about two minutes I zoned out on Mother and the women talking. They were discussing whether or not I should still attend therapy and it was then when my Mother surprised me.

“No. I don't think my baby needs therapy anymore. She will be attending a normal school as a normal teenager and if she needs anyone. I will be there.” I couldn't stop replaying that in my head. Mother just said she'd be there for me. Wow.

“Okay then that will be it! Thank you for coming in today Mrs Esther. Have a good day.” The women said standing up again to shake Mothers hand before leaving the room. Mother turned to me and saw me staring at her.

“So...are you excited?” She smiled exaggerating the word excited like she used to when I was younger. I simply nodded and she gave me another hug whispering. “I'm sorry for leaving you here. I was selfish I didn't know that you were hurting too. All I saw was my own pain and I thought latching it out on you would make myself feel better, but I never thought about you...I'm sorry baby.” She began to sob.

“Its okay Mother. I understand.” I said feeling myself tear up too. After a while she pulled away and a smile appeared on her face.

“I should get going. I have a meeting in half an hour. I want you to start packing and to say goodbye to everyone. I will pick you up at the gate at 9 on Wednesday.” I nodded and she began to stand up. Before leaving she gave me another hug and kissed me on my head. I stood there smiling. I was actually going back to school. An actual school. I wiped away a tear from my eye and walked out. Oliver was standing outside with a huge smile on his face. I don't know what came over me but I literally just ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug ever.

“Oh my god Ollie. Did you hear? Did you hear? I'm leaving!” He chuckled and hugged me back nodding.


“and I can't believe you did that for me!” I looked up at him and smiled. This boy is too cute I thought to myself. I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek before taking his hand and leading him to the canteen. I can see him smiling like an idiot in the corner of my eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2011 ⏰

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