Hi-5 vs Gene

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You are walking home to your emoji house and sniffling like "euuhheeuheuheuehehhhh". You trip and fall into a wall of hand. You look up and it's... High Five!

"What seems to be the trouble my dearest?" says high five.

"H-H-H-H-H-High Five?" you stutter quirkily.

"Ya know it!" he says, winking.

You blush.

"So what brings you around these parts Y/N?" he asks in his seductive murmur.

"M-M-My heart is brocken!1!!1!1!!11 By... Gene the Emoji!1!!1!!1!!1!"

"Ah rats! This is so not a gamer moment!" says Hi-5 sympathetically. "I tell ya what, y/n... how 'bout ya come to my place and play just dance sometime?"

"That would b-"

"Who do you think you're talking to, Hi-5?" the familiar voice of Gene the emoji interrupts you.

"And who do you think you are telling me what to do, Gene?" Hi-5 snaps back. "Last time I checked I believe you were the one who let her go. And then the moment I actually get an emoji companion for myself you turn around and demand her? When is it my turn, Gene? When can I do anything but exist in your shadow, always the one to do your bidding, your dirty work, while you never asked me once how I feel. I see I'm just one obstacle in your life for you to climb over. Let me be, I beg of thee, that I may find my own place in the world. Let me be, I say."

You and Gene exchange a look of utter shock. Then Gene strides over to Hi-5 and strikes him to the ground. He glares at Hi-5 with an angry look in his emerald green orbs. "You wanted to leave. I'll let you leave. You're dead to me, Hi-5. And you're dead to y/n, too."

"Stop it!!! Look at me, Gene. This isn't you innit bruv." You plead with your orbs wide open. "Please stop fighting bruv!!"

"You're right, y/n. I'm sorry." Gene says regretfully.

"WAIT!!" You and Gene jump 3 metres in the air at Hi-5's sudden yell. "The only way we can solve this once and for all... is with an epic talent competition to win over y/n."

"Splendid idea" you and Gene say at the same time. "If I win, y/n, which I will because Hi-5 is an IDIOT, I promise I will divorce Jailbreak and then we will have the best emoji wedding this town has ever seen," Gene says in his seductive purr.

"Ok innit bruv," you say nonchalantly. "I agree."

The Emoji Book: An Emoji Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now