Chapter 1

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Alexa's POV - Backstage

I'm sitting backstage when I get called into Triple H's office says something about a new angle that would get me back to Goddess Alexa where I want to be

Knock knock

Triple H: Come in

Alexa: Hi Hunter

Triple H: Lexi nice to see you

Alexa: So what's this angle you said would get me back to the Alexa I want

Triple H: We need to wait for the other members of this meeting they're always late

Alexa: Oh okay

5 Minutes Later - Knock Knock

Triple H: Come in

Nick: Hey Boss sorry we're late

John: Yeah sorry

Triple H: No issue for me but for Lexi here

Alexa: It's alright they're here now, also who are they

Triple H: They are Nick Crosby and John Daniel's

Nick: We've been the best team on the indies for the past 5 years

John: Yeah multiple tag titles

Triple H: And that's where she comes in now obviously I'm sure you'll need permission for Ryan but we're thinking a Love Angle between Nick and yourself Alexa

Nick: I'm up for it if you are

Alexa: Sure he'll be unhappy but sure and can we start it tonight

Triple H: Nick, John it's up to yous

Nick: John

John: Sure

Nick: Question is this gonna break us up as a team

Triple H: Not sure yet that's undecided but we'll let you know

John: Okay are we done here

Triple H: Yep yous may go

Nick: Cool see you later boss

Outside of Triple H's Office

Alexa: How come I never heard of you guys

Nick: Probably cause Dinosaur here doesn't like Social Media that much

John: Yeah I made you please remember that I can break you as well

Nick: Yeah yeah, but we didn't get to promote much cause he doesn't like being centre of attention not that I do but I do what's needed

Alexa: I get that and how old is he

Nick: 43

Alexa: And how old are you

Nick: 24

Alexa: So he trained you

Nick: Yep he took me in when I was 16 looking for a school to train in after I just moved to America

Alexa: That's cool

Nick: Yeah he's like a father to me

Alexa: You think you'll be the one to retire him

Nick: If he has his way nope

Alexa: Well why don't you join me in catering and chat a little more especially since were going into a Love Angle

Nick: It'd be my honour to join you

Timeskip to Gorilla just before Nick and John's entrance - On Screen

John: You ready kid

Cathy Kelly: Guys we are moments away from your Monday Night Raw Debut how are you guys feeling

John: We're feeling good ready to go ready to start climbing the ladder to the top

Nick: Yeah we're ready and we're here to prove to everybody that the Crimson Pirates are the BEST TAG TEAM ON THE PLANET

Alexa: Boys that's a lot of hostility

John: Alexa

Alexa: Hi John, Hi Nick *Gives Finger Wave*

Nick: Miss Bliss what brings you here

Alexa: I just wanted to wish you boys luck for your match tonight

Nick: We appreciate it now why don't you sit back and enjoy the show

Mike Rome: Introducing their opponents at combined weight of 456lbs the team of Nick Crosby and John Daniels The Crimson Pirates

Corey Graves: I am so hyped that these guys have finally arrived in WWE these guys have one titles all over the world these guys are so good that they make the USOS look sub-par I wonder if we'll truly see how good they are tonight

Kevin Patrick: Indeed Corey but what about his interaction with Alexa Bliss, what do you think is going on there

Corey Graves: I'm sure it's nothing but the veteran of the company wishing the new kid luck, if it end up being more I'll eat my damn shoe

Kevin Patrick: Well only time will tell with that situation but for now The Crimson Pirates get set to take on the Alpha Academy

End of the Match

Kevin Patrick: Corey Nick and John haven't been able to get going since Otis caught John Daniels and isolated him

Corey Graves: Yes and since then the young kid hasn't been able to play a factor in this matchup

Kevin Patrick: Until now possibly John rocks Chad Gable here and is able to make the tag

Nick comes in and clotheslines Gable before knocking Otis off the apron with a Springboard Dropkick before picking Gable up and dumping him with a Saito Suplex before Tagging Daniels back in to hit the End of the Scavage (Ex-Plex Neckbreaker combination)




*Ding Ding Ding*

Kevin Patrick: Corey we've just seen how much of a difference maker Nick is

Corey Graves: Exactly Kevin Patrick and without a doubt they are going to be a force in this Tag Division

Backstage - On Screen

Alexa: Hey guys congrats on your win

Nick: Why thank you Miss Bliss

John: Hey kid I'm gonna go and get showered

Nick: Okay be there soon

Alexa: I don't think he likes me very much

Nick: What makes you say that

Alexa: Oh ya know the Distain tone of voice and lack of want for me to be around

Nick: He probably just doesn't trust you that's all

Alexa: Well he's not the one I want to trust me so it doesn't matter

Nick: Well keep up the luck and maybe you'll gain that sooner than later

To be Continued (Probably all off screen next Chapter)

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