Chapter 3

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Continuation - Heaters POV

Heather: *Opens Door* Hi can I help you

911 Medic: Actually yes can you show us to the last person you spoke too and room

Heather: Um sure follow me

Nick' Room

Alexa: In here please help him

911 Medic: Alright please back up and out of the way so we can help him

Alexa: Yeah of course, you this is your fault I should've never left him with you, do you finally see what you're doing too him yet

Heather: How is this my fault

Alexa: You're the one who abused him to that point that's how

Police Officer: Ma'am these are some very serious accusations can you back this up

Alexa: The only person who can is currently lying bleeding and passed out

Police Officer: Alright names

Alexa: Lexi Kaufman

Heather: Heather Monroe

Police Officer: Alright Heather come with me your under arrest for suspected abuse and domestic violence

Heather: What are you serious

Police Officer: Miss Kaufman can you please put your hands behind your back we are detaining you for everyone's safety until we have conclusive proof of your accusations

Alexa: Alright fine

Police Officer: Thanks ma'am how we doing over there doc

911 Medic: Breathings steady now heart rate is excessively high but that's probably the shocks blood sugar is fine I think it's just a case of overwhelming pain

Police Officer: Alright let's ship him to the hospital till he wakes up then we can do more tests

911 Medic: Sounds good

Police Officer: Alright let's move out


Nick: What the where am I

Nurse: Your in Hospital glad to see your awake some officers want to ask you some questions

Nick: Fine whatever

P. Officer: Alright Nick Crosby is it

Nick: Yes

P. Officer: Date of Birth and city you were born in please

Nick: 03/06/99 and Edinburgh

P. Officer: Alright now your dating Heather Monroe correct

Nick: Yes

P. Officer: Does she ever physically abuse you

Nick: Yes she has given me more bruises than wrestling sir

P. Officer: And Mrs Kaufman she's a friend

Nick: Of mine yes she was set to stay at mine so we could travel together next week

P. Officer: Alright and is there any evidence of this abuse

Nick: Mrs Kaufman took some photos earlier of where I was bleeding and bruised and I have a folder in my Floor Safe

P. Officer: Alright thanks for your cooperation we can release Mrs Kaufman and if you can get Mrs Kaufman to get those files too you tomorrow we can officially charge Miss Monroe of Domestic Abuse, have a good night

Nick: You as well Officer

5 Minutes Later

Alexa: Hey

Nick: Hey you okay

Alexa: I got scared for a bit but I'm okay now I'm just glad your awake

Nick: As am I all I heard in my head when I was out was my Mum screaming at me "You better not die before me"

Alexa: Friendly

Nick: Yeah she is

Alexa: So the officer said I have to get something from yours

Nick: Yeah it's a folder that holds all the evidence of Heather's abuse it's in my floor safe code is 9824

Alexa: Okay I'll be back in a bit then I'll phone Hunter he's been ringing wondering what's going on

Nick: Okay um question Nurse where is my phone

Nurse: Let me get that for you

Nick: Thanks

30 Minutes Later

Nurse: So all your tests came back clean you'll be good to go in about an hour

Nick: Thanks Nurse

Alexa: Hey I think this is the folder

Nick: *Flicks Through* Yep this is the one call the officer in

Alexa: Okay

P. Officer: Alright these files are enough to put her away for at least a decade

Nick: Thank God

Alexa: That's certainly a good thing I'm happy for you

Nick: Thanks Lexi what are you doing now you don't need to stay

Alexa: Well I wrote the note stating out for a week besides Ryan probably won't be home this week anyway

Nick: Probably, like no offence but he's an ass

Alexa: I'm married to him and I agree

Nick: Are you happy with him

Alexa: Depends what way you mean

Nick: Just in general

Alexa: I can be but I do genuinely wonder if I'd be happier with someone else

Nick: Only advice I can give is follow your heart

Alexa: Yeah I guess but are you ready to go now anyway

Nick: Yeah I miss Teddy

Alexa: Haha

Nick's House

Alexa: Alright so Disney

Nick: Yeah definitely first let's get Hunter of your back

Alexa: Please

Nick: *Phones Hunter*

Triple H: Hello

Nick: Hey Boss Lexi said you've been phoning

Triple H: Yeah multiple news reports have seen her leaving yours in cuffs whilst you were on a stretcher

Nick: Nothing bad she was just detained to keep the peace and I'm out of hospital now but it was a case of Domestic Abuse

Triple H: Alright so what do you want the universe to know

Nick: Just say it was a health scare on my end and that Alexa as I said was put in cuffs to keep the peace along with the other person probably spotted in cuffs

Triple H: Alright that's acceptable enough I'll see you guys Friday along with John for Smackdown

Nick: Alright Boss see you Friday

Alexa: So Smackdown Friday

Nick: Yeah me you and John

Alexa: Alright let's get to Disney

Nick: Yeah

To Be Continued

Lexi Finds Bliss *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now