Chapter 13

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Alexa's POV

Shannon: So what would you like to know

Alexa: How protective are you guys over Nick

Charleigh: If someone hurts him they get the same pain

Shannon: Times-ed by ten

Alexa: That's good he's always said even if he is hurt he's protected

Shannon: Yeah we're the protection

Alexa: Has he talked about bringing yous and his family over here

Charleigh: Yeah he has but finding somewhere in Florida that has farm space is difficult

Shannon: I can imagine I just want to be somewhere like New York or California it just seems fun

Nick: So that's where you want to be placed then what about the boyfriend

Shannon: You know that saying Happy Wife, Happy Life

Nick: Yeah

Shannon: Then you get it

Nick: Guess he truly is whipped then

Shannon: *Scoffs* *Slaps Nick on the Shoulder* He is not whipped

Nick: Yeah I know I just like seeing you irritated

Shannon: Your mean, you know that right

Nick: Yeah but you love me for it

Charleigh: So Mr Nick, how's life in California anyway

Nick: Peaceful if I'm being honest few lousy incidents but being 24 I'm used to defusing cameras when asked

Alexa: Oh yeah who asks you like

Nick: Lex I'm 24 6'4 and 205lbs who's not gonna ask me to bodyguard for them

Alexa: I get that but any female influencers

Nick: Lex I'd say they need the most protecting

Alexa: Well as long it's only Body-guarding

Nick: Jealous are you

Alexa: No

Nick: Alright look Lex you are the most beautiful Woman any guy would be lucky to have you cause your also one of the best people I know alright, now are you ready to go

Alexa: Thanks and yeah

Nick: Shan, Char you guys ready

Shannon+Charleigh: Yeah

Nick: Alright let's go

Nick's House

Nick: Alright I'll deal with your bags tomorrow for now let's go to bed cause it's 3AM

Alexa: It's our specialty getting in at this time isn't it

Nick: Yep

Shannon: Don't understand how yous do it and I never will

Charleigh: Yep it's official I hate your job

Nick: Hehe alright see yous in the morning girls

To Be Continued

Lexi Finds Bliss *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now