Chapter 11

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Continuation - Backstage

Nick: Shannon *Hugs Shannon*

Shannon: *Hugs Back*

Nick: *Pulls Back* Char

Charleigh: *Hugs Nick*

Nick: *Hugs Back* *Pulls Back* It's nice to see yous both

Charleigh: You as well your looking healthy

Nick: Perks of working here

Alexa: *Taps Nick on the shoulder* Hey is now a good time

Nick: Yeah first I want to introduce you too these two Lexi these are the two most important people to me Shannon and Charleigh, Shan, Char meet Lexi

Shannon: Hi, question actually Nick is she who you told me about earlier

Nick: You mean before I knew you were here

Shannon: Yeah

Nick: Then yes

Alexa: Wait you told her

Nick: Well she phoned asked what's wrong I told her she said the same thing John did

Alexa: Oh

Nick: John can you keep these two occupied whilst I deal with this

John: Sure been a while since I've spoken to these two kids

Nick: Alright

Alexa and Nick chat

Alexa: First I'm sorry for assuming that it was wrong I shouldn't have done it

Nick: Well thanks but I'm also sorry I shouldn't have reacted the way I did it was imateur but I guess you should know why I reacted like that

Alexa: You don't have too

Nick: No but I want too, so about 3 years ago me and Char were dating and we were happy and loving life together, one day she said how you would you feel about an open relationship I said I'd be open to it so we agreed that we got one person each to have that with, I later found out that the one person I agreed to have was actually

Charleigh: My best friend, and it was like that cause I put her up to it and honestly biggest mistake I ever made but she was lonely and needed some attention

Nick: So we talked about it and figured instead of hurting ourselves trying to make us work just call it quits and stay friends

Alexa: Wait was this before or after Heather

Nick: Before Heather was who I met for a night that was supposed to be rebound but it became more then she got obsessive and you know

Alexa: Yeah so wait that's why you wanted a say in it

Nick: Yeah I probably wouldn't have walked away if I had been allowed to speak

Charleigh: Yeah always let him speak it's always best

Alexa: Alright how would you feel about being shared

Charleigh: Wait who else

Liv: Hey Nick, I'm real-

Nick: Gi it's fine

Liv: You sure

Nick: Yes

Charleigh: When he says it's fine, it's completely fine like genuinely I've had this argument so many times and so many times has nothing been wrong with him

Liv: Hi I'm Gionna

Charleigh: Charleigh nice to meet you, wait are you the other person who wanted to share my Ball boy

Nick: Oh god I thought you forgot that nickname

Charleigh: Nope never

Shannon: We all good here then

Nick: Yeah we're good

Shannon: Good

Liv: Hi I'm Gionna nice to meet you

Shannon: Shannon

Charleigh: She's the other one who wanted to share him

Shannon: Oh right

Charleigh: Yeah so 

Shannon: So you both didn't let him speak 

Charleigh: Yep 

Shannon: You learned that lesson the hard way then

Alexa: Yep

Shannon: Ye-

Nick: Shan I'm trying to assure her that getting involved with me is a good thing so can you not get crazy for me

Shannon: Alright only cause your asking 

Nick: Thank you 

Charleigh: You know better than anyone ball boy that if you get hurt we are the first ones to defend you

Nick: And that's why I love yous both, but I'm a big boy I can protect myself, and I'll also be the first one to protect yous as well and that goes for you two as well *Hugs Lexi & Liv*  Think we have a discussion to continue

Liv: Do we

Alexa: Yeah do we

Nick: I think we do might as well discuss it just let me have a say this time

Liv: Yeah

Alexa: Yeah

Nick: Alright John keep these two away from this please

John: On it

Lexi Finds Bliss *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now