Chapter 5

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Alexa: So what are we doing this weekend

Nick: Well that's up to you

Alexa: Maybe we could go out

Nick: Yeah what are we going to do

Alexa: I say Dinner and clubbing after

Nick: Well I say that sounds like a wonderful idea although I should warn you though I don't drink

Alexa: Well I didn't say drinking I said clubbing plus Ryan's always clubbing without me so I wanna know what's it like to go clubbing without your partner when married

Nick: Well I'll be delighted to join you, now I'll meet you at the car yeah

Alexa: Yeah

Alexa's POV - Women's Locker-Room

He's so sweet and he doesn't even care that I'm married he's being the same person I hope he is anyway I'm seriously hoping my intel is correct tomorrow night

Sasha: Lexi, Lexi

Alexa: Yes here, present

Sasha: *Giggles* Alright Mrs lost in space who's got you thinking

Alexa: Take a guess

Sasha: Ooh on screen treating you nicer than Ryan

Alexa: Of course he is we're going out for Dinner tomorrow night and then going Dancing/Clubbing

Sasha: Sounds like fun

Alexa: Yeah also he doesn't drink so at least if I do drink I'll have a driver

Sasha: Just keep it strictly friends instead of you being the one to ruin your marriage

Alexa: Well thanks for that but I feel like Ryan's already done it I just need proof I guess

Sasha: Well let me ask you this how do you feel about Ryan

Alexa: I can't even say I love him cause I'm not sure I do

Sasha: And Nick

Alexa: Super sweet super handsome but cute at the same time and he's the biggest gentleman I've ever met

Sasha: Sounds like you've made up your mind

Alexa: Guess I have huh

Sasha: Look I'm gonna go but you ever need to talk just drop me a text yeah

Alexa: Yeah *Hugs Sasha*

Sasha: *Hugs Back* You enjoy yourself *Pulls Back* But remember friend-zone

Alexa: Yeah see ya next week Sash

Sasha: See ya Lexi

Nick's POV - By The Car

C'mon Lexi it's getting late

Sasha: Nick, Nick

Nick: Yes, hello Merc

Sasha: You know you're the second person I've pulled out of their thoughts

Nick: Oh yeah who was the first

Sasha: Take a guess

Nick: Lexi

Sasha: Yep, we talked about your plans tomorrow night

Nick: Oh really 'nd let me guess you asked her how she feels

Sasha: Yeah nothing but praise for you but Ryan not so much

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