Chapter 4

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Backstage at Smackdown - Nick's POV

John: So Lexi got Heather arrested

Nick: Pretty much yep

Drew: Damn

Nick: What I said also is there anyway you guys know any PI's

Drew: No I know that look your not having Ryan investigated and followed

Nick: Even if it made Lexi happier

Drew: For now just let it happen organically

Nick: Your right of course but I'm curious to be honest

Drew: Your allowed to be

Nick: Yeah

Drew: Yeah your the single one it's just a race to see whether he cheats first or Lexi this weekend

Nick: It'll be him probably

Drew: He probably already has but just let the puzzle pieces fall into place

Jimmy: Yeah Uce I mean she clearly has given up already and she's just waiting to find him doing it

Jey: Yeah man I mean she's clearly already feeling you more than her actual Husband so be patient I say

Sami: Guys your giving him horrible advice, I mean she's married for Christ sake look keep yourself in the friend zone then if she does get a divorce then you show yourself as available just keep your on-screen romance that way on-screen

Nick: Yeah of course thanks Sami for keeping me grounded and reminding me not to force anything

Sami: Good now let's get to gorilla so we can work

John: Yeah let's get it


Roman Reigns: So there's this new tag team that seem to think they're the best thing on the scene now I think that has to be one of the most absurd claims given that the best tag team is my cousins Jimmy Jey the Usos, I mean sure they're 16 time tag champs around the world difference is the Usos are 11 time tag champs in the biggest company in the world not these minnow companies like New Japan and AEW

Crowd: Ooooohhhh

Roman Reigns: Yeah, yeah I mentioned them cause let's face they ain't competition just like this bum of a tag team that's calling out my cousins I mean it's not like they'll ever get the opportunity anyway

Alexa: Hi Roman

Roman Reigns: Hi Alexa

Alexa: Now that the pleasantries are out of the way I got news at the Royal Rumble your cousins will be defending their titles against none other than 

Alexa: Yeah that's right your Cousins are going to be going against in my opinion the best tag team on the planet the Crimson Pirates

John: Now boys you best prepare for the fight of your life

Nick: Cause at the Royal Rumble your Title Reigns end

Roman: Aww look guys it's the dinosaur and it's hatchling

Alexa: Roman shut the hell up for once god how does Paul handle you, you talk way too damn much

Nick: To be honest I think Paul puts up with him to pay back his dues that he owes the Wild Samoans I mean lord knows Sami's scheming to turn his back on you eventually I mean he's Sami he turns his back on everyone

Alexa: Yeah Kevin Owens knows best that you can't trust Sami as far as you can throw him

Nick: Yeah but Roman can probably throw him pretty far if he trusts him this much

John: Sami I'd jump before you get thrown

Sami: You guys obviously don't know what you're talking about I mean I've earned my stripes in the Bloodline

Nick: He's right I mean for all we know it might be Solo to betray them I mean how often do we see him being left out of group activities like going for food mean he's often left to enforce for Sami or the Usos whilst Roman goes off and takes them out or Sami taking them out before Solo's match

Alexa: Very true I mean Solo never joins the finger point everyone knows the bloodline finger point is everything and I mean he was sent by the ancestors so he really only listens to orders from them so say he gets told to turn on Roman and join his Big cousin say the Rumble

Nick: Very true

Roman: Enough, I've had enough of you two thinking you can ridicule my family you two want a shot at my cousins fine you get them at Rumble just keep my family's legacy out of your mouth

Alexa: That was easy boys let's go

Backstage - On-Screen

Alexa: Told you I could get you guys what you wanted

John: Great now can you leave us alone

Nick: Actually can you go cool off grumpy I'll be there in a bit

John: Alright

Alexa: He really isn't liking me is he

Nick: Nah but it's fine just don't screw us and you might grow on him

Alexa: Well I have no intentions of screwing you guys over especially this cute young guy that I'm getting closer too

Nick: Well he can't wait to officially take you out for a night

Alexa: Well I'm getting impatient so it better be soon

Nick: It's coming believe me

To Be Continued

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