The Boy

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We try to achieve perfection in everything. It's just human instinct, they say. For girls, they bother to put on make up, wear small clothing and anything else just to achieve what they say is the perfect girl look. It's the same for men, working out everytime to get those rock hard abs women fight over for. I don't believe in any of those. Okay, it is true that it does help if you look the same as everybody else but it's important to put in your own unique twist. Like what most songs say nowadays, you are perfect just the way you are.

Perfect? How can I look perfect? I don't even have a basis for 'perfect'. I looked at the mirror in the girls' bathroom. I have been here for almost an hour now. Since my cousin, Andrew, the school's librarian mentioned that I should look perfect for my first ever date, I couldn't think straight. Usually I would go home so that I could change but Brian doesn't know where I live so I told him I'd be at school. And I couldn't go home now because it's too far from here.

At first I decided to just wear the same clothes I had on the entire day but Andrew threw a fit over this and dragged me to the mall. It was funny because he knew everything I might need. He bought me a dress that he chose, shoes to match and a purse that he filled with what he calls were the necessities on dates; Wallet full of cash, lipgloss, breathspray, cellphone, powder cake, the electric zapper people use for self defense, a handkerchief. I blushed really hard when I saw him tuck in a condom in one of the pockets of the purse. I kept trying to get it back to him saying I won't need it. He commented that at the rate I was going, I won't really need it. I blushed real hard. He laughed at my reaction saying even if I don't use it, it's important to carry one around anyway. I finally let him do what he wanted.

When I put on the dress, I was surprised to see that it suited me nicely regarding Andrew chose it for me. It was a knee-length powder blue dress that had a very simple oval neckline. It was sleeveless and it fit my body in the right places. The skirt was pleated and flowy. The shoes were 3-inch heels. It had a simple design, open-toed and it was the same color as the dress. I smiled happily remembering to thank Andrew. I powdered my face lightly, applied light mascara and just a touch of lipgloss. I tied my hair into a loose ponytail and let it fall down my back. I grabbed the purse and headed back to the library where I told Brian I'd be waiting.

"Look at you all pretty."

Andrew grinned at me from his desk. I took a seat on one of the couches.

"I have you to thank, cousin. You know I'm starting to doubt your sexuality." Andrew frowned at me. Before he even had the chance to retort, Brian, thankfully, entered the library. When he spotted me, he made his way over.

"Hello. You look beautiful. Hi, Mr. Adams."

Brian looked incredibly gorgeous in a black button-down shirt with two upper buttons undone showing his perfect chest, tight black dress pants and black shoes. His hair was messily gelled back that made him look sexier.

"Hello. Thank you. You look good, too. Bye Andrew. Don't forget about me."

I grabbed Brian's hand, pulling him far away from the library. We stopped when we reached the parking lot. Brian led the way to a black BMW. He helped me get in then made his way to the driver's seat.

"What is with you and black?" I commented casually as we were driving out of the parking lot to the highway.

"It's just for style. Why? Don't you like it?"

"I like it more than you know."

My mouth blurted out before I thought about it.

"Oh really?"

He smiled at me. I blushed.

"You always blush. You look cute when you do." Naturally I blushed again. He laughed. He reached behind him then presented me with a bouquet of red roses.

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