Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

This past week and a half I have haven't heard or seen Jack. Barely see my brother, my mom is on a well deserved and needed vacation. Haven't talked to Shay or Alyssa and I haven't heard back from Harrison. Yet this past week and a half I've gotten close to the one and only Vinnie Hacker.

"You should change your room color" Vinnie says from my bed

"You should shut up so I can finish my homework"

He laughs "all I'm saying is that yellow is not a color you have in room walls, that's more of a kitchen color."

"Then what color should I paint it Mr. Interior designer" I say putting my pencil down and turning to him


"Oh wow the original color that came with the house?" I say excited

"You know what. I'll take my interior skills else where." He says getting off the bed and heading to what I'm assuming is the bathroom. I smile grabbing my pencil again and finishing up my homework.

"You know what" he says entering the room once again

"What?" I say getting off the chair and putting the extra paper and homework away.

"Yellow is definitely a bathroom color"

I laugh "shut up" tossing a pillow at him, he throws it back then pushes me onto the bed hitting me with a different pillow repeatedly.

This isn't the same Vinnie Hacker everyone talks about. There's no way he is, this guy is sweet, caring, generous, funny and more. He's a good friend. My phone rings, he stops and grabs it.

"Harrison" he shows me

I quickly grab my phone answering the call and stepping out of the room

"Hello? Did you get in?"

"Yes and before I tell you are you in danger? Are you a drug lord? What's going on?"

"Harrison no questions."

"Lorelei there's nearly 2 million in bitcoin in this hardware wallet."

"2 million dollars?" I whisper so Vinnie won't hear me

"2 million in bitcoin is over 17 billion in US dollars"

"17 fucking billion" I say out loud and cover my mouth "17 billion" I whisper

"Yes, I'll drop it off as soon as I can"

"Ok" I hangup then enter my room.

Vinnie looks up at me from the bed putting his phone down "all good?"

"Yeah he was just telling me when I can return to work" I lied

"That's good. I didn't mean to get you fired"

I grab a pillow and hit him with it "I'm not fired idiot"

"Two weeks out of work says otherwise." He pulls the pillow out of my hands then forces me down onto the bed next to him. "You're a good girl and you're very smart."

I look over at him and smile "thank you."

"You know you're actually pretty smart yourself, I thought you only had looks going for you." I tell him

"I'll pretend that wasn't an insult"

"How come you don't go to college?" I ask

"Just choose not to" he says

We just silently stare at each other, I look down at his lips and back at his eyes. Why'd I do that? Now he's going to think I want to kiss him, I definitely don't want to kiss him. I don't care about kissing someone that's just a friend. Yet why am I slowly moving closer

His phone rings and he looks over at it.

"Shit" he says grabbing it


"I forgot. I'll be there in about 10 minutes"

"Stop yelling"

"I'll get you now, relax Al- I'm at home. I overslept. I'll go now." He hangs up

"I have to go" he tells me "my mom and younger brother are in town and I forgot I'm the one that had to pick them up. He tells me grabbing his car keys

"I'll see you another day" and just like that he walks out of my room, down the stairs and out the house.

Later that night

1 new message

Meet me at 47 gold st. NOW I have some information you'd like to know- M

I mentally read the message and think to myself, am I really about to meet a person who's number I've never seen before and addresses their self as 'M'

Yes yes I am

Vinnie's POV

"What the fuck is your problem?" Alexa yells "I don't hear from you for a week and you tell me it's all business related that you'll make it up to me. The day of making it up comes and you just 'overslept'?"

"I'm sorry" I say in hopes it'll shut her up

"We are done" she tells me

She walks up to me and kisses me "is that what you want? To break up with me Vinnie?"

I don't say a word to her, maybe I should break up with her? All she does is argue with me.

"Answer me." She says shoving me back

My phone buzzes and I look at the screen, it's a text message. A video of Lorelei at the abandoned widow's peak building

"What the fuck" I say "I have to go"

"We aren't done talking" Alexa says grabbing my arm

"We are Alexa, we are done talking and done being together. See yourself out." I tell her

Vinnie's POV ends

I walk around the abandoned building regretting my decision to come here. "Hello?" I say "anyone here? M?"

"Didn't think you would actually show" a voice says in the distance "you got some balls"

"I have questions and you said you had answers. How about you come out?" I say looking around at any spot that was illuminated by the moonlight

"I'm right here" a voice says from behind me a hand covers my mouth with a towel and I begin to completely panic trying to escape. The room starts to get darker and darker and I come to realize that I'm losing this fight. I fall to the floor and I'm finally let go, I can't make out the persons face but I know it's a guy. I can tell he grabbed my phone because it was ringing

"It's Vinnie" he says "you should answer it" he tosses my phone somewhere and after that I think I fell asleep.

Vinnie's POV

I slide the door open to the entrance. "Lorelei!" I yell running inside "Lorelei!"

I take my phone out and call hers again, I hear it ring. I run towards it picking it up off the floor. She's gone she's not here anymore.

Someone took her.

Hello everyone! Please like/comment and share my story with others! Who do you guys think took Lorelei and who do you think M is?!

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