Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I wake up the following day with a massive headache, I haven't seen my mom yet I also haven't seen Abel since last night. I wonder if he's ok.

From a envelope full of money, to guns being drawn and Vinnie Hacker. I don't know what was the craziest thing to happen, I just know if my brother is involved then I have to find a way to get him out of this mess.

I hear a light knock at my door

"Come in"

"Hi honey" my mom says "I just got home, I'm going to be going to bed, was everything ok last night?" She asked

"Yeah mom" I say "how come?"

"Just saw some broken glass in the kitchen, I cleaned it up. No one was hurt right?"

"No I just went out for some drinks and stumbled on my way inside." I lied to her

"Alright" she softly says "I love you very much"

"I love you too Ma" I tell her as she closed my door

I force myself out of bed walking up to my desk, I look down at Vinnie's note. I gotta get my phone back is all I can think and obviously it's not to text him I don't really care about that. I just would like my phone. I hear another knock at my door

"Come in mom" I say

"It's me" Abel says walking in

My eyes widen at the sight of his face, a busted lip and bruised cheekbone. "Who did this?" I ask grabbing his face to examine it

"Don't worry" he says

"Abel tell me who did this to you. If you're in a life or death situation I need to know now."

He moves my hands off his face backing up "I just got into a fight with two guys after I left. Had to direct my anger somewhere." He says "anyways I have a question"

"What is it?"

"In the envelope, was there a hardware wallet?"

"A what?"

"That answers my question" he says turning around



"Let me help you Abel, please"

"You've done enough already Lorelei, just stay out of this." He says with his back turned to me. He left my room and closed the door behind him.
How am I supposed to just stay out of it? I should protect my brother. I need to know who's behind all of this.

I've spent too much time trying to understand all of this, tried talking to Abel a couple of times but he's locked in his room completely ignoring me. I get up grabbing a sweater before I leave the house, opening the front door I'm met with Jack.

"Oh hey, just the person I was looking for" He smiles "going somewhere?"

"Yeah was just gonna head into my job"

"I just wanted to talk to you for a moment" he says "if you have to work that's fine we can talk another time"

"Just going in to grab something"

"I can drive you if you'd like?"

I smile "thanks"

We get in his car and he drives to the diner "I want to apologize for the way I acted last night" he starts off "I realized that I probably made you feel uncomfortable, I shouldn't have done that."

"There's no need to apologize, you were drunk."

"Being drunk shouldn't justify how I acted towards you." He tightens his grip on the steering wheel and I notice the bruising on his knuckles, so was everyone fighting last night? I question myself

"It's fine Jack." I tell him stepping out of his car once he parked outside of the diner, I walk inside to Alyssa and Shay both working.

"There you are!" Shay says

"Where the hell did you go last night and why didn't you answer any of my calls?" Alyssa asked

"I went home" I simple say

"And you couldn't answer any texts?" Shay asks

"Sorry I don't know where my phone is, I lost it somewhere in the house." I lied because I know exactly where my phone is, in Vinnie Hackers bathroom.

"Aren't you going to invite your friend inside?" Alyssa ask me pointing to Jack in the car "or should I say boyfriend?"

"Oh gosh no, he's just a friend"

"You know a lot of people say that about people they're dating" Shay winks

"Shut up he's literally just a friend" I laugh

"Two for two" Shay says


"It's Vinnie Hacker and why is he coming this way?" Alyssa says

"Hey" I hear from behind me

Oh gosh oh gosh maybe I should pretend I didn't hear a thing and walk right by him out the door and into the car.

"You forgot this at my place last night" He adds and I know it's my phone he's holding up

"Look Lorelei the phone you lost, at YOUR house." Alyssa says

I give them an awkward smile before turning around to face Vinnie.

"Thanks" I say grabbing it from his hand

"No problem." He turns around to leave

"Wait" I quickly say

"Wait?" Alyssa and Shay say at the same time "girl you have some explaining to do" Alyssa whispers to me

"What's up?" Vinnie asks me

"This is yours" I say about the hoodie I'm wearing, I begin to take it off and feel the air hit my stomach a bit. Once I pulled the hoodie off I'm face to face with Vinnie as he held the bottom of my shirt that was being lifted cause of the hoodie.

I nearly choked

"Thanks" he softly says grabbing the hoodie from my hand then licking his lips taking a step back.

"Burbón" I hear Jacks voice

I look past Vinnie and see him standing at the entrance "you got what you needed? Ready to go?"

Vinnie looks at him then back at me before once again staring at Jack.

"Yeah" I say "let's go"

"Ladies" Jack says to Shay and Alyssa

"Nice seeing you Jack" they smile

"Jack this is Vinnie" I tell him as I'm still standing next to him

I notice Jack clench his jaw a bit "I know" he says "ready to go?"

"Yeah." I walk over to him and he weirdly puts his arm around my shoulder, I can feel Vinnie's stare
"Hey" Vinnie says

"Yeah?" I ask turning to face him

"I'll stop by another time for the sweatpants"


"You know the ones you had to change into at my house last night cause you were so wet." He says but he wasn't looking at me when he said it, he was staring at Jack.

Before I could even come up with a response the room completely shifted, within a second Jacks arm was off my shoulder and he charged at Vinnie punching him.

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