Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

                                 Vinnie's POV

I doze off while pumping gas until it stopped. I filled her tank up all the way

"75 dollars on gas what the fuck" I say to myself I put the pump back and head to close the nozzle. The smell of gas consumed everything, not just because I'm at a gas station obviously. I look down and the whole outside floor and bits of snow are covered in gasoline. "What the fuck?"

I step away from the puddle of gas taking a look under the car. Her fuel line was cut. I think back to when I first told her to keep her car full and she told me it was. This is all a set up right now, it was all maneuvered to get us to this exact place.

I look over at the store and see her walk away from the register. I start checking around the outside of her car and wheels finding exactly what I was looking for. A tracking device and I just knew this was all him. I toss it onto the floor, glance back at the store and make a run for the side of the building. If they're here then me standing next to all this gasoline isn't a good idea.

I'm at the back of the building there's 2 cars here just confirming everything further. I fall to the ground covering my ears as they ring and car alarms flare due to the explosion out front. I collect myself as quick as I can because the sounds of Lorelei screaming my name crying out front. I pick myself up making a run for it.

I stop to hide when I see them walking to the back.

"You killed him! You fucking killed him" Lorelei cries "I'm going to make sure you all rot in jail"

They all completely ignore her dragging her as she tries to fight them all off. There's nothing I can do. There's about 6 of them I'm sure they all have guns. I just have to hope fewer go into one car.

"Let me go!" She screams hitting one of them on their face causing him to drop her onto the floor "I hate you! I hate you so much!

"Abel calm your sister down damn" a guy says grabbing her by her hair causing her to yell "help me with her" he tells two other guys

"Stop! Stop!"

The anger that quickly took over my body viewing and hearing all of this happen. They're all going to pay.

They all stand next to the two cars

"You 4 in that car and make sure you're able to keep her calm. I don't need her causing them to crash Abel" one guy says "me and you over here."

The first car drives away after finally being able to force Lorelei in. I decided it was my chance to take down the two guys now before they get in and drive off.

                              Vinnie's POV ends

"I'm sorry it had to be like this" Abel tells me while cleaning the cut on the head "you know I love you"

"I'd rather you put a bullet in the center of my head right now then hear you lie"

He sighs "please just don't say anything when I bring you to him and I might be able to save your life." He stands me up and walks me out of the room we were in for the past hour

"Oh good you got her to stop crying about that piece of shit." A guy says once we entered the next room "I'll take her. You can go" he says pulling me from Abel's grip

"I think I'll stay until after"

"Boss doesn't need you here, go" he tells Abel

Abel walks out the door slamming it shut.

"You are a pain in the ass" he tells me dragging me to the middle of the room then throwing me down "being Abel's sister won't get you off the hook."

"You talk a lot of shit for someone who isn't the boss" I tell him and he slaps me across the face

"Looks like your lip is bleeding" he kneels down forcing me to look at him as he inched closer to my face. Looks like he was trying to lick the blood off. I spit on him. "You little bitch!" He yells hitting me again this time my whole body hits the floor, I look and he's standing over me. "Boss is usually always late so I should have my fun with you now" he smirk's unbuckling his belt.

The door creeks open and he quickly backs off

"Next time I catch you doing something like that to our guest I won't hesitate to put a bullet in between your eyes." A familiar voice says.

I snap my head at the direction the voice came from. I'm in complete shock as I watch him walk from one side of the room to the other, taking a seat on an empty chair.

"Sorry boss, won't happen again."

"Where should we start this conversation, Burbón?"


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