➪Chapter twelve: Mask off

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Wednesday found herself in some underground book room. She looked around and she saw nothing but plain books, who would create a room for rusty old books?

Why haven't she seen this place before? Well it was simple. The whole reason she got into this room in the first place was because of some riddle she had to solve.

Whoever created it was dumb as fuck. As Wednesday looked around and she saw that there was a book missing. She reached into her bag to pull out the book that Enid gave her as she looked at the symbol to see if it belonged there.

She didn't know what it meant but she felt as if she was getting some where.

Just as she was about to turn around and investigate some more, she was stopped by a mask group of people. They grabbed her and tied her up.

Wednesday sat tied up as she looked bored. "Untie me." Her voice was laced with boredom it's self.

Xavier was the first one to take off his mask, "listen, we aren't going to hurt you or anything. We just want to know why you are in here."

"And how did you get in here." Ajax asked before ripping the mask off his face.

Wednesday scoffed as everything made sense now. "I should have know you were apart of this the minute you decided to tie me up."

Ajax rolled his eyes, "what the hell are you doing in here?"

"I was continuing my investigation and you jerks decided to tie me up. I don't get what's so secretive about a room of books." Wednesday rolled her eyes, "you could take the mask off Bianca." She said unfazed.

"You aren't going any where until we find out what you are really up to." Bianca took the mask off of her face and tossed it to the side. "And so much for keeping everything undercover."

"Wednesday's parents were apart of this long before us, it's only best if we request her to join."

"And because of your massive crush on her, it's honestly pathetic." Bianca rolled her eyes.

Xavier crossed his arms as he sighed, "I didn't come here for this. I only came here because of the stupid meeting requested by the queen bee."

"Interesting thing about bees, pull out their stingers and they drop dead." Wednesday rolled her eye before getting up from the chair. "I broke free about 5 minutes ago, I just wanted to see how much information I can get from you all and you were useless."

"Well you still aren't leaving." Ajax assured to her as he crossed his arms.

Wednesday stepped up to him without any remorse she twisted his arm and held it right behind his back as he groaned in pain. "I leave when I want. No one tells me what to do."

"Let him go, Wednesday." Xavier demanded as he tried to step up to them.

Wednesday pressed down harder as Ajax screeched. "No, you're not anyone's boss and you damn sure not mine."

"Let him go, Wednesday." The sound of Enid's voice echoed throughout the room.

Wednesday looked over at the door entrance and she held back a smile as she sighed. "Fine." She groaned and pushed the boy away from her.

Bianca rolled her eyes, "now who the hell let more people in?" She looked back at one of the guys. "I told you to lock it up."

"It's fine, I already figured out about the group. Probably about 2 hours ago. I had been doing my research of my own and I'm here to confront you all." Enid crossed her arms.

Ajax glared, "keep your hands to yourself!" He rolled his eyes at Wednesday.

The psychic stepped up to him as she was about to twist his arm. "You got a problem with me?"

Xavier stepped up as Wednesday backed up with a glare still gleaming at the two boys.

"Enough!" Enid called before looking over at Wednesday. "You should go back to our room."

"But I don't want to." Wednesday frowned. Enid gave her that look and she rolled her eye before marching off and towards the exit.

Once Wednesday was out of sight, Enid leaned against the door frame. "So what is exactly going on here?"

"How did you do that?" Xavier asked as he raised his eyebrow.

Enid turned back to Xavier and mumbled, "what do you mean?"

"Wednesday listens to no one and she clearly made it known just a few minutes ago. You got her to leave without a problem. Are you spelling her to listen to you?"

"Last time I checked I was a werewolf, how can I make her do anything?" Enid glared as Bianca and the rest was getting tired of everything.

Bianca rolled her eyes as she looked over at the rest of her group members. "Are you guys going to get this over with or are you going to socialize? It's getting to be real annoying."

"What did Wednesday want in the first place?" Enid questioned, "was it important?"

"She wanted to know if we knew about the monster and now since she knows about the group I think it's time to tell her that she isn't going crazy." Yoko spoke up before tossing a key over to Enid. "That will get you the answers that you're looking for. I can't tell you where it's located because none of us know, hopefully you have better luck."

Enid smiled graciously, "Thank you" she whispered before she met eyes with Ajax. He rolled his eyes before walking off.

"I have everything that-"

Before Enid could close the door she was embraced with a super tight hug. "I'm sorry, I am really sorry." Wednesday muttered as she held right onto Enid.

The werewolf took a deep breath before she looked down at Wednesday. With her  arms wrapping around Wednesday she smiled brightly. "You hate hugs and Wednesday Addams never says sorry. What's going on?" Enid muttered as Wednesday buried her face into the crook of her neck.

"I hate being hugged, but I'm hugging you so it's different. I also think that I haven't been myself and I'm taking things out on you, I don't want to make you feel bad, ever. So I'm sorry." She increased the pressure of the hug.

Enid heart flustered. "I forgive you. I would always forgive you."

Wednesday squealed before reaching up and hooking her arms around Enid's neck. She found it weird.

First Wednesday was obeying her, she didn't ask any questions, some how she knew where the hide out was, she said she was sorry, hugged Enid and now she's squealing?

Something wasn't right. "Hey Wednesday," Enid called before Wednesday hummed, "aren't I the best girlfriend?"

Wednesday pulled away from the hug and smiled. "Yeah. The best."

Enid got all the information she needed to know that wasn't Wednesday. She reached for the needle that she felt in Wednesday's pocket before she injected it right into Wednesday's neck.

The 'psychic' fell to the ground. "You're not my Wednesday, so who the hell are you?"

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