➪Chapter Nine: getting closer

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After a week has passed, Wednesday still hasn't figured out the meaning of the picture but it was announced the Rowan hadn't died. That he was walking in plain eyesight.

There was no way in hell that could be right, Wednesday didn't like the feeling of being wrong and now she looked like a crazy person. She groaned.

Thing motioned: "it's going to be okay. We are going to solve this and figure out what's going on and how Rowan's alive."

Wednesday looked over at Thing and smiled brightly. "You believe me?"

He motioned: "of course I do. Now we should get started or Ms. Weems and Ms. Thornhill will start to ask questions."

Wednesday grinned and rolled her up her sleeves. "Don't worry. I got that covered."

"I know you don't care and you shouldn't but people are talking about you. They think you are some crazy lady that made up seeing Rowan dead and-"

Wednesday started to type on her type writer. "I couldn't care less what people think. The fact that they are thinking says enough." She nonchalantly said.

Enid sighed and stepped forward before closing the door to their room. "I don't know what's going on anymore. Of course I believe you because I would always believe you-"

"That's entirely stupid. I don't believe anything you say until it's proven to be right. You shouldn't trust anyone, even if you think you can. That's a set up for failure, waiting to happen." Wednesday spoke truthfully.

Enid shook her head, "but it's you so it's an exception."

"I want to know how it is in your head. Apparently up there I get an exception for everything." Wednesday turning around with a blank stare. "What else do I have the free ticket to do? According to up there." She pointed at her head before her hand fell back down to her side.

Enid shrugged, "I don't know. I'm use to trusting my friends so it just comes naturally."

"That's a huge red flag. Yes, I know what those are." Wednesday turned back around.

Enid scoffed before she walked over to put her phone on the charger. "You aren't too much on the green side, yourself. You like seeing people hurt and-"

"That's my personality. What's yours? Because you are all over the place. It's like I'm talking to a shapeshifter." Her eyes widened. "Shapeshifter." She repeated in a mutter.

She quickly got up and opened up her bag to find the book and all the other research work she had been working on over the time. "What do you mean, shapeshifter?" Enid questioned.

"What if Rowan is still alive? that could mean that I was right and that there is still a monster on the lose. I could go over to Tyler's and get some information from him. I'll then go down to the station and talk to sherif Donovan. And then we can clear up everything." Wednesday was happy with herself. She managed to get this idea off of a conversation.

Enid chewed at her bottom lip as she stood in her regular blue striped uniform. "I don't think you understand my question. I get how you are going to do it but where does a shapeshifter fit in this?"

"Shapeshifters are known for there abilities to turn into whomever they want. I think that Rowan isn't who he is. I only think that because we hadn't actually seen him and I know I saw him dead. That monster must have took him before you guys got there."

Enid nodded to show she understood. "Okay, that makes so much more sense. How are you going to do it?" Enid questioned as she crossed her arms.

Wednesday got up with her bag as Thing hopped into it. "I honestly don't know yet, when things come to mind then I would just act on them. But you knew nothing of this. That way you won't get in trouble." She trailed off and over to the door.

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