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1) Tell us a little about yourself

Alright, so, There are four of us writers and Cassie Remington is the name that we created to encompass all of us. We are all women and are named Lydia Carpenter, Susie, Kaylee, and Christi Kennedy. We decided it would be easier to create one name to go by in our book publishing. We are from all over the continent(North America), one of us from Canada, two of us from Nevada, and the other from Oregon. One of us is 18, two of us are 17, and the last is 15! We all love to write so we came together on a fun occasion and each created a character or two and began to have them interact with one another! We didn't intend to post it anywhere but it progressed and soon we had a full book so now we are just editing! We actually met because we were big fans of the Why Don't We boy band so we all entered a group chat for them and became good friends! It has been a lot of fun to connect with one another and are now planning to publish a series!

2) What's your favorite author? Favorite book? They can be from Wattpad or elsewhere.

We all have the same favorite author and we took inspiration from her books when we began ours! Her name is Sarah J. Maas and we adore her Throne of Glass series! She is incredible and so amazing because her words and descriptions are the best we have ever read!

3) How long have you been writing?

I am Lydia and I am the one who handles most of the editing and responding to emails and messages on websites! I have been writing my own stories ever since I was a little kid and that also applies to the other girls as well!

4) Why you do write? What's your inspiration?

We all love fabricating stories and showing them to others! We write because we love it so much! We just enjoy creating characters and causing them to interact with one another! It's relaxing and a way to get out your emotions and go places you could never go in real life!

Our inspiration comes from seeing how much people like our books! People have been commenting and it means so much to us that people are reading and loving it! We have also been impacted by the things that we have read and we want to impact people in the same way as well!

5) What's your preferred genre?

I think It's safe to say that all of our favorite genres are fantasy! All of our favorite books are that and that is why we write fantasy! It is definitely the most fun because we can make our characters do whatever we want them to! There are no restrictions or laws as there are in realistic fiction!

6) What was your first written story?

Our first written story together was fanfiction about the Percy Jackson series during quarantine in 2020! We each created characters that were demigods and played around with them! I(Lydia) created a son of Hermes, Kaylee created a daughter of Artemis(Impossible, but not in our fanfiction), Susie created a daughter of Ares, and Christi formed a character out of Artemis and was also a daughter of Nike! This was our first story together and it was so much fun although we ended up stopping it because it fiddled out into nothing as we got bored, being a few teenagers just wasting time mindlessly during COVID!

7) What's your writing process?

Our writing process is just to create characters, have them interact, paste them onto our google docs and return later for review and major editing! We usually change plot lines as we edit and even change characters! I usually look it over at least three times and edit more each time!

8) What are your current writing projects? Can you give us a teaser?

Our current writing projects are the Kingdoms of Isolation, which is our book that is published on Wattpad right now, and then two sequels to it called Wave of Darkness and Reign of Ire. Wave of Darkness focuses in on a nymph named Wren and Aspen's older sister, Lilith. These two are plagued by demons and have to push through them in order to hold onto their loved ones. Reign of Ire is all about a new enemy, who swoops in and tries to take control of everyone, starting with Ayla, who turns out to be someone special and important. Then we also have a prequel which is all about Amity and Grey's pack history! It is about how their pack rose to power and became the royalty pack! We call it Rise of the Oakleys! We have a lot in store for the future and we are very excited to see how our readers will like it!

9) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

We do have many unpublished stories and we have not had the time to publish them as we are all still in high school and we have decided to focus mainly on Kingdoms of Isolation in order that we will be able to make it the best it can be! We do plan to publish them once we have this series laid out and done with!

10) As a writer, what's the most challenging aspect?

The most challenging aspect of being a writer is definitely getting past the writer's blocks that plague us and figuring out where to take a character's arc! The characters take a lot of focus and need much editing and peer review because they should be relatable and easy for the reader to like and eventually love them. Another hard part is killing off characters. We love and adore our characters but we need to have some death and sadness so it's always tear-invoking and melancholy to murder one of our beloved people we've worked with for over a year!

11) Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years, we all have different paths ahead of us! I(Lydia) plan to become a pediatric nurse and be an author on the side! I am not entirely sure where everyone else sees themselves at in five years but I am asking them I will get back to you!

12) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

We would definitely say to never give up. Even if you think that your book sucks, it probably doesn't. But if you're that worried, don't just edit it once, edit it multiple times and have someone else read and leave comments about how you could do better as well! And post it on various sites that will help you boost your self-esteem when people read it and give you free feedback, like Wattpad!!

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