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1) Tell us a little about yourself

My name is Aubrey, I'm 17 years old, she/her, trying to survive chemistry, and literally am in love with so many 2D men that it's ridiculous

2) What's your favorite author? Favorite book? They can be from Wattpad or elsewhere.

My favorite author is definitely Marissa Meyers since her works, which is the lunar chronicles, are literally so good I've read them like five times

3) How long have you been writing?

I've been writing ever since I was in, like, second grade, but all those stories were terrible, and currently on wattpad I've been writing for about two years

4) Why you do write? What's your inspiration?

I've loved to read from an early age, so seeing peoples imagination lain out like that really inspired me to begin my own writing career

5) What's your preferred genre?

I like any kind of genres, but psychological/thriller or action/adventure/sci-fi is definitely my go to's

6) What was your first written story?

My first written story was 'Forever in Your Eyes,' a Deathnote fanfiction with a reader insert, and it was so cringe that I had to go back time and time again and edit and re edit; but it's now gained over 1 million so, yay!

7) What's your writing process?

I literally just map out the entire story and write all the chapters before publishing a few every week or so—it helps so that there are no plot holes, there isn't any inconsistencies in the writing or a character, and the flow is better due to so many grammar edits

8) What are your current writing projects? Can you give us a teaser?

The project I am currently working on is called 'Untempered Anger,' a Demon Slayer Fanfiction, which, like the title implies, is all about anger and revenge and twisted desires. Of course, you can expect a whole lot of things because the reader's personality is going to be derived from Katsuki Bakugo's character from BNHA, so, yeah lol

9) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

I have A LOT of unpublished stories, with different plots and love interests, but I am for sure planning on releasing them when I get the motivation to map the chapters out

10) As a writer, what's the most challenging aspect?

when it's hard for me to write a chapter, I feel like it makes the story dull—it also makes it hard for me to develop the plot as well

11) Where do you see yourself in five years?

probably finishing up college and working to become a writer! It's literally been my dream, so, for sure

12) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Just write. It feels amazing, especially when you receive support from the people who love your stories. Of course, it doesn't hurt to have the occasional grammar checks, too!

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