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1) Tell us a little about yourself

Hi, my name is Stacey Boatemaa Amankwah. I am a Ghanaian and a college student.

My hobbies are reading, getting lost in my imagination, drawing, eating(to pass time), watching movies, staring off into space, cooking, weaving and have I mentioned getting lost in my imagination?...

2) How long have you been writing?

For less than a year I believe

3) What's your preferred genre?

Fiction. Wouldn't miss a chance to escape reality.

4) What was your first written story?

"Transcendental". My one and only.

5) Do you have any unpublished stories? If so, why and do you ever plan to publish them?

I have no unpublished books but I might start a new book once I'm done with my first one. I find it stressful and difficult to start new projects without completing old ones. Keyword: "Might". :')

6) As a writer, what's the most challenging aspect?

Creating negative environments or lifestyles for your characters and overcoming the "writer's block".

7) Where do you see yourself in five years?

I honestly haven't even thought of it. I like to live in the moment (:

8) Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, it's all part of the learning and exploring process. Do whatever you want and have fun doing it. (: <3

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