chapter 1- September

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"Yeah, em, I'm home. Yes I just pulled up. Okay I'll see you tomorrow. Love you too. Bye." JJ said hanging up the phone. As she got closer to her front door of her brownstone she realized their was a quiet cry. She figured it was a cat until she saw a box on her front porch with a note attached. Her immediate reaction was terrified. Was it a bomb placed by some psycho who her team put away who was out? Or just an Amazon package? No neither she thought. She slowly and carefully approached the box.
"Holy shit!" She screeched realizing there was an infant in the box wrapped in a thin sheet. Her next reaction was fast. Pick up baby, grab the note, call emily.
"Jayje we just got off the phone what-"
"Emily I need you over here NOW! There was is oh my god.-"
"JJ what the hell is going on?! I'm on my way do not hang up!" Emily yelled through the phone. "JJ who's crying?"
"A baby."
"Okay that's what I thought- what?! A baby? Who's baby?!" She asked.
"I don't know just hurry." JJ said.
Emily was over there within 7 minutes instead of the usual 12-15 minute drive.
"Are you okay?!" Emily asked coming in hand attached to the gun on her hip.
"Shhh!" JJ whispered. "She's sleeping."
"Jennifer. Who the hells baby is that?"
"I'm trying to figure that out!" She whispered loudly. "Read me the note, I haven't been able to put her down yet."
"Uhmmm okay...?" Emily began to read:
Dear Jennifer,
I know you have no idea who I am. And right now I'm not sharing my identity, but please take care of my daughter. I only met you twice while I was being questioned but knew you were who I need my daughter to be with. Please take care of her and love her. I understand if you can't take care of her but I don't want her to end up in foster care like I was she needs a good life with a loving family of any kind. Please do let her know I love her and this was the best decision for her. Do not let her look for me and don't try to find me. You're her family now. Thank you and good luck.

"Holy shit." Emily said after she finished reading.
"Oh my god. Candie?" JJ asked allowed trying to rack her brain for anyone she met on a case with that name.
"We should probably take her to the hospital or something JJ. I mean we need to figure this whole situation out, legally." She stated.
"Emily, I- she. I can't let her go into foster care." JJ said with pleading eyes.
"I know Jayje, I don't want that to happen either but if we want to keep her we need to do it by the books." Jj's eyes were wide when emily used the word we.
"What?" Emily asked.
"You said we." JJ said smiling.
"Yeah?" Emily said wanting her to continue.
"You wanna do this with me? Like the whole thing?" JJ asked motioning to the sleeping infant in her arms.
"Yes. The 3 am wake ups, diaper changes, cuddles, terrible 2s, and whatever else you'd let me do. I don't just love you Jennifer Jareau I'm in love with you." Emily smiled.
"I love you." JJ whispered to her with watery eyes.
"Always. Now let's get this baby to a hospital." Emily said kissing JJ's forehead.

4 hours later emily and JJ had finally finished a conversation with the social worker. JJ had previously been approved as an emergency foster parent and because of her having major security clearance and her job she was cleared to have the child in her custody until their court date. She explained that the judge would almost 100% give JJ and emily the child instead of placing her elsewhere because of the mothers wishes.
"We need to get married." JJ blurted out while they were waiting for the nurse to bring back the baby.
"What?" Emily asked.
"We need to get married." JJ stated again.
"Babe, as much as I love you, I want you to be 1000% sure before making that step. You're under an immense amount of stress right now. But I love you." Emily said with a big smile.
"Emily this isn't something I've just now thought of. We've been together for almost 2 years, known eachother for close to 7. I love you. And if you're truly serious about me and you and this baby then we should. I want her to grow up having both of us as her mother. 100% mine and 100% yours. Legally." She smiled.
"Okay." Emily smiled kissing JJ.
"So you'll marry me?!" She said.
"Yes. I will marry you and raise a baby with you and grow old and everything." Emily smiled.
"Hi! I have a special delivery." The nurse walked in with a small infant with a pink bow and a white blanket.
Both of the women smiled as she walked in with her. JJ took the small child thanking the nurse. Emily stared at them both with a look in her eye of pure love.
"Ya know Jayje, she needs a name..." emily said.
"I know. Any suggestions?" She asked swaying with the sleeping infant.
"Dottie." Emily said.
"Oh." JJ said with a pleasant sigh. "That's perfect." She smiled.
"Why Dottie?" JJ questioned. When emily didn't answer she turned around and saw emily with tears in her eyes bur a sweet smile.
"After my grandma, Dorothea but Dottie to me." She said wiping a tear. "She died when I was 16, she uh was really the only one for a while who knew secrets about me and accepted me for who I was, and am. She was amazing. And Dottie also means gift, and she really is the perfect little gift." Emily said with a watery chuckle.
"It's definitely settled. Right Dottie?" JJ said smiling down at their daughter.
"Alrighty and a middle name, ms perfect?" She asked allowed.
"Roslyn." Emily said putting her head on JJ's shoulder. JJ let out an audible gasp.
"Are you-" her voice broke. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, babe. She's so important to you and Dottie is gonna hear stories about her great grandma and I want her to know about an amazing person who loved you as much, if not more, than i do." Emily said. JJ was practically sobbing now.
"It's perfect. Her name is perfect." JJ said smiling. "Let's go home."

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