chapyer 6- first birthday (September)

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"We have a one year old." JJ whispered as she crawled up from under the covers with a blush.
"I can't believe you'd bring up our beautiful daughter after the bad bad things you just did." Emily joked kissing JJ.
"Ha. Ha." JJ stated as she laid her head on Emily's chest as emily ran her fingers through her hair.
" I know, though. She's so big. And should be waking up any minute now. It's 7:00 im surprised she isn't up yet." Emily laughed.
"She loves her mama and mommy that's why she's sleeping in." JJ laughed quietly.
"Ya know, this isn't exactly how I thought my life would go..."
"How so?" Emily asked propping herself up on her elbows and then against the bed frame.
"I mean, I was a closeted bi woman until I was 26 em. I thought I'd have a husband and sons and a dog and we'd play soccer on the weekends and yeah i don't know." JJ said.
"Are you happy?" Emily asked softly.
"More than I could ever imagine. Don't ever worry about that." JJ smiled. "I just didn't know this is how it would go. Ya know? Eating my wife out on a Saturday morning while we have a daughter who's turning one and I don't know our whole lives ahead of us?"
"Jennifer," emily laughed "you say the most beautiful and hottest things a person could say in the same sentence and it's insane." She kissed JJ.
"You're welcome."
"You know we could go- " just as emily was suggesting something they heard a thud from their daughters room.
"What the hell?!" JJ said as she jumped out of bed, emily quickly following.
"Oh my god!" Emily said when they walked in. On the floor at their one year old daughter with her stuffed bear FBI agent.
"Dottie. How did you get out of your crib?!" JJ said picking her up.
"No. No." Dottie said with a frown.
"Yes." Emily laughed. "No. No. Is right. We don't climb out of our cribs. That's how we get hurt, right mommy?"
"Yeah. Dottie you coulda gotten hurt." JJ said swaying with their daughter.
"Whoospie!" Giggled their daughter in JJ's arms.
"Whoopsie my ass DJ." Emily said kissing her cheek. Emily had recently been calling their daughter DJ since her name was Dorothea Roslyn Jeareu-Prentiss. But normally and legally Dorothea Jeareu-Prentiss, like at daycare. Emily was worried about her only going by one last name when she was equally their daughter and they took each others last names. But everyone else called her Dottie, Em was the only one who called her DJ.
"Ass!" Dottie yelled. Emily and JJ stopped and looked at eachother.
"Oh fu-" emily began to say when JJ covered her mouth.
"Mama needs to watch her potty mouth apparently." JJ said looking at emily.
"How bout some pancakes birthday girl?!" Emily suggested.
"Nice distraction." JJ said lightly hitting emily on the ass.
"Mommy's being mean to me Dottie." Emily joked as she put her daughter down to play with some toys.
"So you ready for this party today?" Emily asked as JJ got the ingredients for pancakes together.
"Yeah ready as I'll ever be." JJ laughed. "We got this though. It's our bau family and friends. We'll live. AND it's at Nono Rossi's so we really don't have much to do." JJ said.
"Yep. I'm excited for her cake smash." Emily said stealing a couple chocolate chips that were meant for the pancakes.
"Me too- Hey!" JJ said when she noticed what emily was doing.
"Okay sorry." Emily said with a mouth full of chocolate chips. "Everyone is getting to Rossi's at 1:00, so should we get there around noon to set up the decorations and stuff?"
"Uhhh, yeah that sounds good to me", JJ says shrugging her shoulders. "I am trying very hard to not panic about her party and stay chill."
"I know I will freak out during it, so if you freak out now I can calm you down and then when I freak out you'll be able to calm me down right?" Emily suggested as she leaned over the kitchen island to kiss her wife.
"Always here for you babe." JJ said smiling. Emily let out something that was like a breath she was holding in and a panicked sigh.
"What's wrong?" JJ asked flipping 2 pancakes onto a plate
"What?" Emily said looking up from her nails that she was picking at.
"What's wrong" JJ repeated.
"Nothing, what do you mean?" Emily questioned
"You do that when somethings wrong, it's,"
"It's my tell, yeah I thought I stopped and no one knew besides Hotch. It's nothing I'm fine, promise." Emily said
"No something is wrong, Em. 'Promise' is a lie you woulda said, I don't know but something else. What's up, love?" Jj asked
"What if something goes wrong. Like we've been lucky this first year with her, but we have incredibly dangerous jobs Jayje, what is we don't get so lucky next year or three years or ten years from now. What happens then? What happens to Dottie? She'll never forgive us and I won't ever forgive myself if anything happens to me or you and we don't get to see her again I mean JJ wh-"
"Okay Em, you're future tripping and spiraling. This is a conversation we should have, but not today. We will have it with a lawyer and Penelope, okay?" JJ said lightly moving her fingers up and down Emilys arm trying to ground her.
"Yeah, you're right. Im sorry." Emily said.
"Don't be sorry! You're being a great parent, worrying about things like that." JJ stated.
"Mommy!" Dottie screeched toddling and then falling and doing it a couple times before giving up and crawling into the kitchen babbling.
"Hi sweet girl!" JJ said picking her up. "You hungry? Mommy made you pancakes!" Emily smiled at the interaction between her wife and daughter. Always so natural and just perfect.
"Mama!" Dottie squealed and knocking Emily out of her daze by reaching out of JJ's arms and for Emily's
"Hi Dottie. What's up bug?" Emily held dottie close and swayed as JJ began cutting up pieces of pancakes for her.

"Welcome in beautiful!" Rossi said kissing Emily's cheek, "Where's my granddaughter?"
"JJ's grabbing her," Emily laughed "someone didn't want to take a morning nap so she fell asleep on the way over here. I don't know where she wants all of this. JJ and Pen planned most of it while I drank wine."
"I see" Rossi stated chuckling. "And here comes my granddaughter!"
"Yeah, she is still out. I hope she's feeling okay, she slept in this morning too." JJ said lying a blanket on the floor to put Dottie onto.
"Pen, should be here in the next 15 minutes with the balloons and everything. Cupcakes can go here, Photo Booth will be there, and then kitchen is completely open for Rossi to cook and then cake smash will also be in there." JJ stated.

End of the party like 21:00 pm:
"You seen Emily and Dottie?" JJ asked Penelope.
"Not in a couple minutes, she said she was running in to grab something, I can go look if you'd like?" Penelope said.
"No it's all good. I'll go look." JJ smiled and got a chill as she stepped away from the fire in the backyard.
"Em?" JJ softly said walking inside. She didn't get a response but when she rounded the corner she saw her wife and daughter looking at each other almost in a deep conversation, even though Emily was the only one who can talk. She didn't want to spook Emily so she quietly cleared her throat. Emily's head quickly turned and then she smiled.
"Hey." Jj said walking over.
"Hi." Emily said softly kissing JJ.
"What are you guys doing?" Jj asked sitting practically on top of Emily in the bay window at Rossi's.
"I don't know, I felt like she was getting cold so we decided to come inside and then we were talking about very important things." Emily smiled looking into JJ's eyes.
"Like...?" JJ said
"Like how a year ago we were not living together and had just started saying I love you's and now we're married Dottie is growing up incredibly fast and my life is better than I ever imagined it could be." Emily stated.
"Ditto." JJ said. "I love you Em."
"I love you too, Jennifer." Emily said laying her head on JJ's shoulder and closing her eyes.
30 minutes later when the team realized the guest of honor and her mothers were MIA they walked inside in hopes of finding them.
"They have to be here somewhere it's big but not- oh." Penelope stated.
"What? They do have- oh." Reid said as he turned the corner.
"They look pretty perfect." Rossi said. "Sleepover at the Rossi mansion?" Penelope said.
"Aye- whatever." Rossi said dramatically rolling his eyes,"you all know where everything is. This old man is going to bed."
Around 1:00 JJ started to stir and realized emily was awake just watching her and their daughter sleep.
"You're being creepy." JJ mumbled in a whisper.
"Can't watch my wife sleep now?." Emily said.
"You're stupid." JJ said kissing her wife. "We should probably go to a guest room or something. Dottie can't sleep like this all night."
"Yeah, oh the team I guess stayed too." Emily laughed quietly. "All their cars are still here."
"Wow my wife is the best profiler out here, huh?" JJ teased.
"Ha ha." Emily said. "I love you JJ."
"Love you too." JJ smiled.
The next morning emily woke up to a foot in her chest and JJ woke up to a head in her back.

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