chapter 3-first time at Rossi's

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3 months later.
"What is sleep even at this point?" JJ asked emily while she was trying to focus on filling up Dottie's bottle.
"I don't know?" Emily said rocking the crying baby.
"Her pediatrician said the acid reflux medicine should be helping within the next 2 days." JJ said and she shook the bottle after putting the medicine drops in.
"We go back in 2 week, Jayje. If she's not feeling okay enough to go to the daycare at the office i I don't know what we'll do." Emily stated.
"No, I know. Here, I'll go feed her you go get some sleep." JJ said.
"Babe you haven't really slept either I can do one more feeding. Then you can wake up at 7 for her next one." Emily smiled cheekily.
"Oh I see." JJ laughed as she leaned in and kissed emily, her lips lingering a few seconds longer. "Good night again."
"Good night." Emily smiled before tip toeing back upstairs.
"Dottie, you know tomorrow is a very exciting day. It's your first time going over to your Nono Rossi's mansion." JJ said in her best Italian accent. "While we all love you nobody wants a cranky Dottie." She said seriously but couldn't help the smile that broke out when Dottie looked up at her with her big blue eyes. Emily and JJ knew just from this small infant that they somehow hit the jackpot with her. She already seemed to have emily's thick black wavy locks and JJ's soft blue eyes with two perfect dimples, she was like the perfect mix of them. And while they were all up at 2:57 am feeding an uncomfortable 3 month old they both knew how lucky they were with her. When her acid reflux wasn't bad she was perfect, all smiles rarely cried and slept like a champ (excluding the feedings of course).
"So Ms. Dottie, are you gonna sleep through the rest of the night?" JJ asked as she rocked her daughter to sleep. She carefully placed her in the white crib and walked out of the nursery into her and emily's room.

Next Day:
"Okay I've got diapers for at least 12 hours, bottles, formula, toys, 3 changes of clothes. Excluding the 2 packed in the car just in case, 2 pacifiers, her lovey thing, a blanket, and the pack n play is already in the car." Emily said as JJ checked off the
items emily said on her phone.
"Perfect." JJ said as she grabbed the bag from emily. "Alright let's go." She smiled.
"Jayje, uh..." emily said waiting for JJ to realize.
"What, I- you said everything we needed?" JJ asked sounding confused.
"Babe, we kinda need Dottie." Emily smiled.
"Dottie!" JJ said hitting her forehead with her palm.
"I'll get her in her car seat if you want to go warm up the car." Emily said.
"Perfect. I'm controlling music!" JJ said walking out of the house with the diaper bag.
"Your mommy is crazy Dottie." Emily said picking up a cooing Dottie from the baby swing. "You are so good at getting in the car seat bug." Emily smiled as Dottie smiled back. She picked up her car seat and walked out the door.
"Okay, ready?" JJ asked after emily got into the front seat.
"Yeah, to Rossi's we go." Emily smiled.
After a 15 minute drive to Rossi's mansion the three girls made it.
"Hotch, hey!" JJ said as Hotch walked out to help them.
"What can i take?" He asked politely.
"The pack and play is in the truck if you wanna grab that? I'll get the diaper bag and Em will grab Dottie." JJ stated.
"Okay." He said.
"Jayje is that everything?" Emily asked as they got into Rossi's house.
"Yeah." JJ said picking Dottie's car seat out of the car.
"Do you want me to take her, emily?" Hotch asked kindly.
"No I got her, thank you though Hotch." She said.
After everyone got their baby fix in emily and JJ decided to finally announce their engagement and recent new plans.
"You're engaged?!" Penelope all but yelled.
"Yes." JJ and emily both laughed. JJ cuddled into emily's side on the couch outside by the fire.
"Are there rings?" Spencer asked. "Rings actually have a very long history on why their worn on the ring finger. See-"
"Yes, Spence. We just haven't picked them out yet." JJ said.
"Who asked who?" Rossi asked.
Emily began. "JJ asked well more insisted that we get married. Just in the hospital waiting for Dottie to be brought in." Everyone chuckled. "But I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Speaking of Dottie, she should be getting hungry. If anyone wants to feed-" JJ began but was cut off by
"I will!" Penelope squealed.
"I can if you need me too." Morgan stated.
"I'll feed her if you'd like." Hotch stated.
"I'm making the adults and Spencer food." Rossi joked.
All at the same time.
"Whoah." Emily laughed.
"Okay one of the very great offerers come get little bits." JJ said.
After about 4 more hours of eating, wine drinking, jokes, and story telling the team was about ready to go their separate ways.
"We should probably head out too." JJ suggested to emily. "Dottie's sleep schedule is gonna be fucked up!"
"I know." Emily chuckled, looking down at the baby in her arms who had been wide awake for hours now. "You are gonna be grumpy tomorrow. Maybe we should leave you with Nono?"
"Ha. ha. You've had to much wine cara." Rossi stated. "I don't do baby raising. I give expensive gifts, love, and really good bad advice." 
"You're not cheeky old man." Morgan said joking.
"Girls stop fighting." Emily said with a stern look and then a laugh. "Okay everyone say bye to Dottie!" She said waving the baby's hand for her.
After about a 10 minute trip of everyone saying goodbye and JJ and emily packing up the car and Dottie they were on their way home.
"Tonight was fun." JJ said as she held emily's hand over the center console.
"Yeah it was. Been awhile since we've both been out together." Emily lightly laughed while keeping her eyes on the road.
"I know. But neither of us are ready to leave Dottie yet." JJ stated.
"I know." Emily smiled. "I can't get over how big she's gotten already. Parents say that all the time but it's different when it's your own. Like she just changes so much I don't want to miss any of it Jay."
"Me either love." JJ said kissing her knuckles. "It's crazy that by the time of our semi-planned wedding she could be like walking or talking. Like what the hell?!"
"I know. Also Christmas is in like two months, any thoughts on what we're gonna do?" Emily asked. 
"Haven't really thought about it." JJ said.
"It's her first one, I mean we have to do this right." Emily stated.
"Don't worry she won't remember it, it'll only be... in pictures. You're right." JJ said. Emily started to bite her thumb nail.
"Aht. Em..." JJ said pulling her right hand into her own. "It'll be okay. Promise. We can have a quaint little Christmas at the house. With Baileys and hot coco and silly hallmark Christmas movies."
"Sounds amazing." Emily said. "Love you."
"Love you more, Em." JJ said unbuckling as they pulled up to their house.

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