chpater 7

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tw: mention of s3lf harm and wanting to sh
cw: Elizabeth stupid ass Prentiss lol
Long-ish chapter: 1504 words :)

The next morning emily woke up to a foot in her chest and JJ woke up to a head in back. 
"She sleeps like a, i don't even know what to call that," Emily said. "She was so still and perfect downstairs." She laughed.
"I know. What the hell." JJ whispered over her sleeping daughter's head.
"Oh my god." Emily said, her face dropping.
"What?" JJ asked to which she got no response. Emily started to breathe quickly. "Em, you're scaring me what is it?"
"My mother." Emily stated.
"What does she want?" JJ said rubbing small circles on her cheek.
"She, she wants to meet Dottie." Emily said with tears in her eyes. "I, no, she, I don't want that. Dottie deserves to grow up with her NoNo and anyone but Elizabeth Prentiss who ruins childhood and causes so many unnecessary problems. She deserves to not be told her mothers aren't fit to parent because we're not 'respectable' in her eyes. My mother doesn't deserve our daughter." Emily stated hot tears running down her face.
"Oh Em." JJ said. "I know. I'm so sorry." Dottie woke up and looked up at her mama.
"Hey Dottie." Emily said smiling.
"Mama... sad?" Dottie said.
"Oh baby." Emily said holding her daughter close. "I'm okay love."
"I'm gonna go put Dottie, with pen. We'll talk about this in a sec, okay?" JJ said.

"Okay Em. What did your mother say exactly?" JJ said crawling on the bed to cuddle next to emily and play with her hair. This is something she learned to do that calms emily down and grounds her.
"She basically just said she hadn't heard anything from us and how awful it was to hear about a granddaughter through the grapevine and not from me. And after a year!" Emily said, she said the last part in her best Elizabeth impression.
"Okay well, as her parents we get to decide who we surround our daughter with. And if you don't want your mother around her, I stand with you. But I want you to get some closure with her. I don't know we can talk it over with your therapist or you can but I feel like it may help." JJ said kissing emily's forehead.
"Okay. Yeh I don't know exactly what to do, I need to talk with her unfortunately but she was just an awful mother to me I feel like, I mean maybe she wasn't. I was a handful I mean like I got knocked up at 15 like that's a lot but I did my best." Emily said struggling to breathe with tears running down her face.
"No. You deserved love, and comfort, not what she gave you. You needed help and she wasn't willing to give it, you did the best you could with what you had love. And the whole pregnancy thing, honey, you were a child and didn't know anything going off of what you told me you just wanted to be accepted. As someone who was also closeted and just wanted acceptance I understand a little and it's nothing you should be ashamed or feel bad for. You did your best and survived. You survived that. You're so incredibly strong Em." JJ said tracing patterns on emily's back
"I- thank you Jayje. Thank you." Emily said. "I need a shower." Emily laughed.
"Oh me too." JJ said raising her eyebrows. "You know we could save Rossi some money or something by taking one together." JJ said wrapping her hands around emily's waist.

Emily knew she needed to go alone but wanted JJ for support so she asked her to wait in the car and if emily texted 'blackbird' to come in. It was their safe word for pretty much everything.
"Emily, dear, please sit." Elizabeth said nothing emily nearing the table. "How are you?"
"Fine." Emily said picking at her nails.
"You look tired, have you not been sleeping well? How's your eating habits, Emmy? I know you used to have a probl-"
"Mother." Emily said sternly. "I have a one year old of course im tired and my eating is fine."
"Of course. And our is my granddaughter?" Elizabeth asked.
"My daughter is doing just fine. She's happy, healthy, and a goof ball all around." Emily was trying to hold back but she loves her daughter so much. "Why did you decide to now join my child's life?"
"Very blunt emily, I see. Well, my secretary, her son is newly divorced and he and his ex have a daughter about one and was thinking maybe you two could get together and..." Elizabeth said.
"Are you kidding me?" Emily asked losing her cool.
"I'm quite serious dear, he's very attractive and he makes-"
"MOTHER. I am married." Emily said putting her hand up to show her mom the ring. "I have a wife im happily married to. We have a daughter we love. We own a house! I'm a lesbian, I don't feel romantic or sexual feelings toward a man, mother. I told you this at 17 and then again at 21 and now again?! Mother I invited you to our wedding and you ignored the invention, my calls, and the email. I gave up on having a relationship with you long after I should've stopped caring. And you want to be in my daughters life so she can have a male figure in her life!? Absolutely not." Emily said feeling her face flush.
"Emily. How dare you speak to me in such a manner. I came here to give you a chance of something to live for! Your illegitimate child could have a father instead of whatever you and agent jeareau have going on." Elizabeth stated.
"I can't believe you..." emily said feeling a tear began to fall. She got up threw her napkin on the table and walked out the door.
"Em, you're back- oh my god. What happened?!" JJ said putting her hand on emily's cheek.
"She- she, I don't wanna talk right now Jayje, I wanna cut." Emily stated.
"Okay. Well I think we should try something out. I understand baby, but please let's work this out." JJ said driving home. The short drive home JJ took emily's hand and walked her into their house and on the L-shaped couch had her sit down.
"Jayje, she said our child was illegitimate. She tried to set me up with a man!" Emily said crying. "I hate crying!"
"I know Em I know. What else did she say?" JJ asked rocking with emily slightly.
"Commented on my weight and my fucking appearance. I feel like im 15 again. How can she say that shit to me?! Im her fucking daughter! Never would I even think let alone say any of these things to Dottie. I can't do this with her again." Emily said. "I have tried and tried! JJ I have tried so hard to get her to love me! I always do. With everyone. Like even when I was 15 and uh got..." emily stopped. "I- no never mind." Emily said wiping her face and getting up, heading to the bathroom. She got there, shut the door, and locked it. JJ tried to stop her.
"Emily. Em, please open the door." JJ said pleading with her wife as tears streamed down her face. "Emily please. I love you. Our daughter loves you. Emily please don't do this to me!" JJ said before she could stop herself. She heard the lock click and knew it was unlocked, she opened the door and hugged emily with everything in her being.
"I need you. Dottie needs you. We love you. You are perfect, beautiful, smart and so much more. Your mother doesn't deserve the daughter you are that she did NOT raise. You are my everything and I need you whole again. She's a fucking bitch for this." JJ said kissing emily's cheeks and lips. "I love you."
"I love you too." Emily said wrapping her arms tightly around JJ. "I am so sorry."
"Don't be sorry. It's okay. This is not your fault, I'm sorry I got so worried." JJ said.
"I know, Jayje. You don't have to explain." Emily said with a soft smile as tears and mascara stained her face. "There's some things we need to talk about from my childhood/teen years Jay." Emily said scrunching up her sleeves a bit so JJ knew she didn't do any harm to herself.
They talked about everything that happened when emily was a teenager, abortion and all. Emily apologized profusely for never telling her but she'd only ever told 2 people and felt like it didn't matter anymore. JJ completely understood. She even shared some things she never told anyone from when she was a teenager.
"You stole your teachers car?!" Emily said laughing.
"Okay okay! It wasn't like that!" JJ said laughing.

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