Chapter 2

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(Picture is of Hood)

After a long day at school, I'm finally home.

"Mom! I'm here!"

The smell of cookies hit my nose as soon as I walked in so I ran to the kitchen like a kid in the candy store. I froze in my tracks when I see my mother talking to Mr. Grimm.

"Hey honey, I met your teacher at the grocery store. I invited him to dinner."

I look over at him with my mouth hanging open in shock.

"Excuse me, where's your bathroom?" He asks my mother. 

My mother smiled warmly at him, "Down the hall, second door on the left."

He nodded at her, "Thank you."

As he walked by me and smiled and whispered, "Close your mouth Hood, I'm not that cute." I noticed the emphasis on the word "that." 

I quickly shut my mouth  and when I was sure he was gone I asked my mom why he was here.

"Be nice, He's your teacher! Plus, He's young and cute" She winked at me trying to hint at something. 

I pretended to gag, then I heard chuckling behind me.

I whipped around and saw Mr. Grimm holding his chest. "Ouch" He said jokingly. 

I faked a smile, "Oh sorry Mr. Grimm, Did I hurt your feelings?"

He nodded clutching his chest harder.

My mom busted out laughing, "You two are too cute!"

I nervously laughed and looked at him studying his face. 

He was blushing.

After dinner Mr. Grimm left and I took a shower then relaxed on the couch flipping through the channels on the T.V. But nothing interesting was on so I walked upstairs to my room. Right when I walked in I noticed something different about it, it was colder and smelled like.. What was it? Wet dog? 

I looked over and noticed the window open, mom must have opened it. Plus, it's raining so the smell must be coming outside. I went to shut the window but before I did I noticed the moon reflecting on something. A necklace. I picked it up and looked at it, it was a wolf howling and it was beautiful. I looked down on my nightstand and saw a note next to it.

"Every hood needs a wolf. -G"

Mr. Grimm...

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