Chapter 36

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Hood's POV

(Picture is of Carson)

Its been a couple weeks now and Grimm hasn't left my side. It doesn't bother me, it makes me very happy actually. He makes me happy. 

School has gotten easier, it's actually Christmas break right now. Well, today is Christmas but I don't feel Christmassy at all. 

I don't have that Christmas spirit. 

Grimm helped me sell all of Peanuts clothes and toys since I wouldn't be needing them for a bit, I sighed. 

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked. 

I look into his gleaming eyes. If only I would've stuck with him in the beginning I wouldn't have been in so much trouble. 

I smiled up at him, "Nothing babe, I promise." I said. 

"Are you sure?" He lifted my chin up and I nodded right before his lips met mine. "Good." He whispered. 

"What are we doing today?" I asked. 

"Well, you're being the Dark Princess again," He chuckled. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Because we have to go back to the pack house. Duh." He said. 

"Ughhh," I exclaimed. "Why?" I asked again.

"They got us gifts" He said. 

I jumped up and ran to my room to get dressed, I love gifts. 

"Damn Hood, I never see you run that fast." He said.

I smiled at him as I stripped myself of my clothes, "I love surprises" I said. 

"Hmm, do you? He asked and smirked. 

I nodded, "More than pizza!" I said. 

"Then, how about tonight we watch some movies and eat pizza?" He asked. 

"Is this my Christmas gift?" I asked 

"Somewhat." He winked. 

I grabbed another shirt to slip on when he spun me around, "Don't you wanna shower first, baby girl?"  He asked. 

He no longer had his shirt on and I could feel his breath on my neck, I automatically gave in. 

He lead me into the bathroom and turned my back to him to unclip my bra, he dragged his fingers all the way to the front as he slipped it off and he groped me. 

I bit my lip slightly. 

He drug his hands down my sides and over my curves to my waist and slowly brought my panties down with them. 

I let out a small, quiet moan. 

I stepped out of my panties and felt his hands run back up my legs to my waist, "Such a beautiful body" He brought his hands on to my thighs and in my inner thighs and rubbed them slowly. 

My breathing quickened and he brought his hands up to my chest again and kept his hands on them as he whispered in my ear, "God Hood, I can't wait to taste you." His lips met my neck and he bit it. 

My thighs squeezed together and he spun me around. My chest against his, he kissed me and back us up into the shower. He turned the water on without leaving my lips and it splashed on our heads. 

I felt his thing against my stomach as he continued to kiss me. He grabs my legs and pulls me up, I wrap my legs around him and feel his slide across mine. 

I bit his lip roughly, I guide his hand down my body and he smiles as he inserts two fingers slowly going in and out. 

"Hood! Open up, it's mommy." She knocked on the door. 

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