Chapter 33

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Grimm's POV: 

It's all my fault. It's been my fault from the beginning. Before she met me she had never been to the hospital unless it was from a cold or something. Then I come along and she goes like, every week. She's gotten in so much trouble and has been through so much pain I don't know if I can even live with myself knowing it's my fault. I frowned staring at her bruised up body lying in the hospital bed. She chooses the wrong men each time, even when I came for her. But with me, it was destined to happen . After that, it all went downhill. I understand that I have done some fucked up stuff to her too. I know that, but I would never hit her. I watch her body stirr. She's a cute little girl while I'm a grown man . 

Her parents walk in the room and I greet them. 

"Grimm, how long have you been here?" Her father asked me.

"I haven't left yet." I mumble. 

Her mother placed her hands on my shoulders, "Grimm, go get some sleep." 

I didn't respond. 

"Please Grimm.." 

I shook my head, "No, I can't. I can't leave her side." 

Her father pats my back, "Son, listen here. I don't think she'll wake for a while," 

I flinched back a little. Im taken back that he sounds like he doesn't care. His daughter is in the hospital!

"You can leave and get some sleep then come back later. She'll be fine. " 

I stood up and looked him in his eye," I am not leaving. " 

He locked his eyes on mine. Hoods mother pulled his arm back, "Please, just leave it."

He turned to her, "Fine, he can stay. He's not my problem." 

I rolled my eyes and sat back down. 


"So, when'd you get here?" His mom asked. 

"I rode in the ambulance and stayed here all night and day. Like I said earlier, I haven't left and I won't leave until she can leave." 

"Why not?" 

"Because I love her. I truly do." 

"Okay.. Well, We have to go now. "

"You literally just got here." 

"We have something important to do." 

"And being here for your daughter isn't important?" 

"Well, I mean.. She is.. It's just.." 

"Don't even, just go." 

They sighed and walked out the door. 

I don't understand why nobody cares for her. I do, she can't see that? I love her so much. 

I grab her hand and kiss it. 

"I love you Hood. I truly, truly do." 

After a couple hours of listening to my music, I fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of a vigorous, constant beeping and somebody shaking me. 

"Sir, please get up! We need you to leave! "

I roll over and look at the nurse. 

"Sir, we need you to exit the room. " 

The loud beeping was from Hoods monitor. 

I panic and suddenly, I'm not so tired anymore. 

"Is she okay?!" 

"Sir, please exit the room. You can wait in the waiting room, but you can't be in here. Please leave."

"No, Not until I'm sure she's okay!" 


"No! Don't touch me!" I kick my feet as the security drags me out the room. Tears start spilling out and I'm trying to yell but my i'm choking on my own words. 

"Sir, please calm down. " The security man orders. 

"I just.. I need to know if she's okay." 

"I'm just security, I don't know what's happening. I just got ordered to take you out the room. You're causing a scene. Please, calm down or leave the premises." 

I sat there in the waiting room thinking, if I weren't such a dick to her. 

I put my headphones in and rested my head on my knees, I fell asleep again. 

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder, "She's awake." 

I ran to her room and threw open the door, I stopped suddenly in the doorframe. "Hood? Oh my God, You're awake!" 

She smiled at me, "You're here? " 

"I haven't left.."

"Well, how long have you been here. No, how long have I been here?" 

"Just one night." She's been hurt so many times, I should've let her keep the hood. She could hide from all the mean people who hurt her. I feel so bad for bringing her out. I'm never leaving her. Ever again. 

"What about school work?" 

I smiled, of course I did! I'm a teacher and though she just woke up from this, she's asking about school work. "I helped you out a bit."

She smiled back at me, "Thanks Grimm! How's Derek? What is he doing?" 

My smile vanished, she's still worried about him.. "He uh..." I scratched my neck, "He ran."

He.. ran? Like, away?" 

I nodded. 

"But.. He loved me." 

"Hood, listen.. All the guys you've been with said they loved you. Not all of them did, I even said it. But some of them meant it, and still do...." 

"Grimm, I know where you're going with this . "

"I'm sorry that I truly fucking love you! I can't help it! Jesus Hood... I love everything about you.. Your smile, your hair, your eyes, your body, your everything. I'd even take care of the little peanut if.." I paused. 

"If what?.." 

"If it were still here..." 

Her eyes popped open, "What?!?!" 

"I'm sorry, Hood.."

Tears streamed her cheeks, "I can't believe he would do this, then run!" 

"I didn't want to tell you that way.. " 

She put her arms out towards me, "Grimm please take me home." 

"I can't.. you have to get looked at first."

"Fine, but promise me and never, ever ever break this promise... Never leave me.. stay by my side." 

"I promise." 

She pulled my head down by my neck and kissed my cheek. 

"I love you, Hood." 

No response. 

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