Chapter 4: "List of Guys I Should Avoid"

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Monday, August 18

I haven’t been out for the past two days since I’ve heard what happened. I was either in bed staring off to who knows where or watching movies to keep the thoughts away. I haven’t heard from Jess since then and I don’t think it’s a good time to be asking her questions but I guess it’s better to get it all out at once then having to bring it up again. I sent her an email. I just want to know what happened. I know this must be really hard on her since Jack was the first actual boyfriend that cared about her and made her feel special. I could see by the way that they would look at each other that they obvious had mutual feelings for one another there probably was even a chance that they were in love but I’m no expert on that sort of thing so how would I know. I haven’t even had an actual boyfriend it was just too hard to think of starting a relationship with someone with the fear of having my dad tell me we’re moving again. I know Jess isn’t going to get a break from this for awhile since the town I used to live in Wisconsin was so small. Everyone knew and found out everything so the news was going to stay on this event for quite some time since nothing like this has ever happened. I just wish I could be there for her when she needs me the most and be her shoulder to cry on but I can’t because I’m all the way down in North Carolina.

My dad has been trying really hard to get my mind off things so he suggested we take a walk into town. I liked the idea but I told him I would go alone so I could get some me time in the fresh air and just empty my mind. He reluctantly let me go but I was grateful he did. I took a walk to the park down a trail they have made for joggers or just a casual stroll through the park. After I walked around I sat down on a bench close to the edge of the pond and just stared at the scenery. It was beautiful with the sun setting right behind the hills and the trees all around with the birds singing their songs just the thing I needed to get my mind off things. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw someone sit down on the other end of the bench. The bench wasn’t that long so he wasn’t that much further away from me. He looked right at me and gave me the most amazing smile. I smiled back but probably nothing special compared to his gorgeous.

“Hey my name is Aiden. I don’t think we’ve met.” He said flirtatiously as he slid along the bench to get closer to me.

“Well maybe you just weren’t looking hard enough.” I countered.

“Hmm so your that kind of girl.” He said taking my hand into his. I didn’t even notice how close he got to me but if he had moved anymore I probably would have fallen off the bench.

“What kind of girl would that be?” I asked taking my hand out of his. I wasn’t going to make it that easy. What kind of girl does he think I am?

“The kind of girl that likes to play games,” He smiled again. I could just stare at that smile all day. I looked up into his eyes which were the most brilliant brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. His dirty blond hair was cut short and fell a little bit down his forehead.

“Well if you’re that kind of guy then you better keep looking because I for one am not the kind of girl that makes it easy.” I informed him and turned my head ending the gaze we had shared.  

“Who said I didn’t like a challenge…what’s your name?” he asked getting closer to me as if that was even possible. Our bodies had been touching and I felt his body heat radiating off of him.

“Abigail.” I wanted to move over but that would make me fall off the bench and I didn’t want to embarrass myself.

“Well then game on Abigail.” With every word he said his face got inches and inches closer to mine. 

What’s wrong with me? Why am I not moving? I thought I told myself I would never let a guy take advantage of me but there I was about to be kissed by a guy that I didn’t even know. But for some reason I didn’t mind as much as I had before. I thought I would've minded but I guess since no guy has ever really tried to kiss me it's not what I had expected. Even though some force was telling me to let him kiss me I knew I couldn’t let it get the best of me. I was about to get off the bench when I heard someone coming behind us. 

“Hey man what are you doing? I leave you for ten minutes and your already about to kiss some girl you probably just met.” 

“Noah?” I turned around and got off the bench leaving Aiden looking a little irritated. 

“Abby what are you doing?” Noah questioned me.

“You two know each other?” Aiden interrupted but I ignored him.

“I wasn’t going to let him kiss me if that’s what you’re asking.” I said with a little anger in my voice.

“I didn’t say that but you should leave unless you want Chelsea to make your school year a living hell.” He warned then turned to Aiden. “Yeah Aiden we do know each other and I don’t like the fact that I almost saw you kiss her.” Noah yelled at Aiden. He looked upset as if he’d seen this happen before.

“What’s Chelsea got to do with anything?” Aiden asked sounding annoyed. 

“She’s looking for your ass.” Noah retorted then continued. “She came by looking for you and I told her you’re not with me but I don’t think she believed me so she’s probably gonna come back.”Aiden just rolled his eyes and started walking toward Noah but stopped beside me.

“See you at school Abigail.” He whispered in my ear then winked at me as he took a step back.

“Don’t count on it.” I said as I glared at him and crossed my arms and walked away headed in the opposite direction of him and Noah. And I didn’t even look back because there was no reason to.

Now I knew another name I’m going to have to add next to Noah on my “List of Guys I Should Avoid” and it’s Aiden.

  ******* Author's Note   I know my chapters are really short and it's because I already have a lot written and didn't realize how short it is. I've been rereading what I have and adding more to make it longer but it's hard since I have to make sure not to include what I have later on and make sure it's not totally random by making it fit in the context. I'm trying my best! Thanks for reading what I have and please comment. Be patient and I'll upload soon. There is a picture of Aiden on the side ;)

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