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It was much later in the evening now and I had a big day, I finished running myself a bath and got into the massive kind sized bed. I grabbed my phone seeing a message from Harrison asking if we could call. I called him on FaceTime waiting for the answer as it rang until Harrison's face showed on screen, "hey how was your day?" He asked as he dried his wet hair with a towel. "My feet are so sore and I'm exhausted" i said stretching. And he smiled as he jumped onto his bed lying on his stomach hugging one of the pillows. "Is Scotland nice?" He said as he looked at me admiringly, "it's nice just a big life adjustment" i said and he tilted his head to the side. "I had to fly to Italy today" he said and I peeked my interest about his trip, "why did you go to Italy?" I asked and he tried avoiding giving me an answer.

"Harrison?" I asked and he looked up at me, "why'd you go to Italy?" I asked again and he sighed rubbing his temples. "It's not important" he said and I narrowed my eyes at him, "what's that look for?" He asked pushing himself up on his elbows. "Nothing it's fine" i said and he groaned, the door then opened and in walked one of Harrison's housekeeper on camera, "you're highness Mr Ivanov is on the phone and wants to speak to you about negotiation matters" the housekeeper mentioned and my jaw dropped slightly. "William" Harrison said sternly and I guess William realised that Harrison wasn't the only one present. "Sorry Catherine I need to go" he said and before I could ask he hung up the call.

Who is Mr Ivanov?, I laid on my back and propped myself up against the pillows, I decided to leave my room and walk downstairs to the dining hall where uncle Jackson was sitting for tea. I sat at the table seeing the vast variety of food that was out on the table, "dig in" he said as she passed me one of the plates. I served myself and Alexandria came around asking what I'd like to drink and I opted for a lemonade. I wasn't a massive fan of alcohol I gently tapped Alexandria on her arm and she leaned over me with a gentle smile, "can I please have a cup of green tea?" I asked politely and she nodded politely smiling before making her way back to the kitchens.

"So my dear niece how's ordinary life been?" Uncle James asked as he took a sip of his red wine, "quiet not as exciting" i said as I served myself some salad on my plate. "I hear you've been close with the Prince?" He questioned with a serious expression on his face, i nodded silently and Alexandria came in with my green tea I requested. "Does he know?" Uncle asked and I shook my head, "do you know his secret?" Uncle asked and I shook my head again thinking back to the video call. "It's better if you don't know what his secret is now" my uncle said and I was about to question him but he held his hand up. "There's a lot you don't know my dear" he said as he took a bit of his food, "will you ever tell me anything?" I asked and he wavered off the question.

"Father I'm home" a females voice called out as the footsteps approached, "who's this?" The young girl asked and she looked around my age maybe a year older. "Nicole this is you cousin Catherine you're aunt Elaine's daughter" my uncle introduced as she took a seat, "oh you mean drug addict aunt Elaine" Nicole responded and that kind of stung. "Don't be disrespectful she recently went to rehab" my uncle said sounding so casual about the matter, "she's still a drug addict" Nicole said and uncle gave he a stern look to silence.

I excused myself from dinner and walked around the mansion it clear my head, the many stairs to climb and the paintings that hung on the walls adding a lively touch. "Excuse me?" I asked getting the attention of one of the housekeepers, "yes ma'am" they answered with a friendly smile. "Is there a library somewhere or study?" I asked as I passed her by the stairs, "right this way ma'am" she said and I followed her up the steps. She led me to a oak wood door that looked like it was something out of Harry Potter with a portrait on the door only the portrait didn't speak. She opened the door letting me through and I walked inside having it close behind me, I walked through down the spiral set of stairs that went into the lounge in the centre. I past the lounge touching the top of the sofa as I walked past to the book shelf seeing books upon books and folders.

I grabbed a folder at random and opened it up having a look at the contents inside, "a family tree" I mumbled to myself as I flipped through the pages until I saw a photo of four people standing together. Two boys and two girls and below it had there names written from the left to the right. 'James, Elaine, Janette, Jackson'. I looked at the photo seeing the names below and on the next page was a drawn up family tree with birth records. I read through the history of my family dating all the way back to my grandparents and my grandfathers second marriage, there was information about the family fortune and some sketchy business involving the mafia. As far as I could gather was my background was French but my mums last name was Stewart so it didn't make any sense to me.

"Are you reading anything interesting?" I turned around in a fright seeing my uncle standing there by the end of the staircase. "I'm learning for sure" i said as I flipped the page, "uncle What's Mums last name?" I asked while still looking at the book with my back to him. "Stewart" he answered and I came across a note folded and taped onto a page, "I opened the note and read through the note seeing a signature at the bottom. "Is that her real name?" I asked and he didn't say a thing, "her real name is Elaine Delarouche isn't it?" I asked and looked back at him looking disappointed.

"Uncle why did you ask if I knew Harrison's secret?" I asked him closing the book placing it to the side and grabbing another. I opened the book in my hands reading the pages until I came across another name, the name was Ernest Delarouche and as far as I could read he had now kids and no wife. "Who was uncle Ernest besides my grandmothers brother?" I asked turning around making eye contact with him, "Ernest was a bad man of insanity" he said as he stepped down one step. "What's the story of Ernest?" I asked as I took a seat, "Ernest is a mentally ill man and got himself involved in crime" he explained. "What crime?" I asked as I dug my nails into the arms of the chair, "the murder of Irene Ryhill who was the wife of Oliver Quentin and their young son was the only survivor of the murder" uncle James explained and my breathing hitched when I realised who Oliver Quentin was and who his son was, Harrison was his only son.

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