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"I knew I'd see you again sweetheart but didn't expect to see you being someone else's slut" he said in a wicked tone letting me go and moving to the door locking it. He sat in a chair with a smirk on his face, "what are you doing here?" I asked trying to hid how terrified I was. "Oh sweetie I could ask you the same thing are you Mr. Quentin's new Fuck buddy?" He asked and I scoffed. "Shut up how'd you even get in here?" I asked and he relaxed his posture grabbing a glass of whiskey, "that's no way of talking to me sweetheart" he said and I groaned. "Quit it with the nicknames" i said and he smirked at me leaning over in his chair, "you love it" he teased and I gagged. "Not coming from you" i said and he scowled at me putting his glass down, "watch your tone princess" he said and I felt my blood boil.

This bastard I swear he was a pain in my ass, not to mention during our relationship he put me in danger so many times. So Owen was part of the Serbian mafia and as for his roll I had no clue what it was but I know he never separated business from personal. "So you going to help me?" He asked and i bursted out laughing which pissed him off I could tell, "why would I help you?" I asked not hiding how amused I was. "Well it's either that or I could kill you and leave your body here" he said and I gulped because he wasn't playing around. "What do you want?" I asked and he smirked, "7 million from your boyfriend" he said so casually and i snickered. "You're dreaming and he's not my boyfriend" I said and he grinned, "oh is that so huh then why's he not married yet to be head of the family oh that's right because he has a girlfriend" he said as he stood up from the chair.

He walked towards me and grabbed my arm aggressively as he pulled me towards him. I looked away and leaned away slightly which made him smile with satisfaction. "What a fucking narcissist" I mumbled and he moved his hand to my throat forcing me to look at him, "the $7 million?" He repeated and I nodded just so he'd let me go. "Catherine!" That voice it was Harrison, Owen covered my mouth preventing me from screaming. "Don't think about it" he whispered and I heard the gun click as he pressed it to my side, "get me that $7 million" he said as he threw me forward and I ran out of the cellar. I stumbled over my feet as I ran to the door closing it behind me and walking away as fast as I could, "Catherine!" Harrison called out again and I ran towards his voice as best I could ignoring the pain in my foot. I turned the corner seeing Harrison and ran towards him as he turned around, "woah easy there" he said as he caught me.

"You were looking for me?" I asked and he smiled nodding, "yea I was but if there's another woman more beautiful" he said and i rolled my eyes. "I'm kidding" he said as he placed his hand beneath my chin, "how's your wound?" I asked as I pulled down the sleeve of his shirt. "That bandage has to be changed" I mumbled and grabbed his hand, "hey what's the rush?" He asked and I turned back to him. "Nothing" I said and he leaned against the wall giving me a look that he didn't believe me, "Catherine" he said firmly and I clocked my head sideways. "Yes?" I answered and he shook his head, "never mind let's go change the bandage" he said and we went back to the room to which he sat on the bed while I got the new bandages and wound cleaning supplies.

I came back to see Harrison on the edge of the bed with his shirt off, I walked up to him and put my bad leg on the bed while my other leg stayed on the ground as I leaned in unwrapping the bandage seeing the blood that was soaked through. I got a wet rag of warm water and cleaned it before disinfecting it, I cleaned both sides and got out the new bandage roll carefully wrapping it in an x around his shoulder. I was almost finished when Harrison caught me of guard pulling me in so I was straddling him, my cheeks and probably my whole face was red. "No need to be shy" he said poking my cheek, "I'm not shy" I said and he smirked. "Sure you aren't so why are you red like cherry" he said and I hit his chest, "ow that hurt" he pouted. "Did not stop being a baby" I said poking my tongue out at him, "don't make me have you do something you don't want to do" he said with a grin.

"Oh please what are you gonna ask for" i said as I finished wrapping his shoulder, "I'd ask if you'd use that pretty little mouth of yours" he said. "For what?" I asked pretending and telling myself it was something so innocent but this boy was not innocent. "Give me a blowjob" he said grinning and my mouth dropped open, "you wish" I said and he looked at me blankly. "I do wish" he said and I stopped laughing at him, "you want me to give you a blowjob?" I asked and he looked around. "Well I don't see a near by prostitute around to do it" he said and I glared at him, "I'm kidding" he said as he brushed his thumb over my bottom lip. I looked down seeing his length poking through his sweats against my thigh, "b-but" I stuttered and he placed his hand on my cheek. "I've never-" I began trailing off not finishing my sentence but I think Harrison got the picture, "don't worry I'll guide you" he said as he moved me off his lap and sat up against the head board.

My hands were shaking as I touched the waist band of his sweats, his eyes were soft and full of affection. "I can't" I said and he looked at me frowning but then patted the space between his legs hugging me from behind, "I'm sorry" he said in a whisper. "I'm sorry I should've known" he said and I didn't respond to him as he rested his chin on my shoulder. He rubbed my arm and squeezed my body tightly before relaxing, "I'll wait" he said kissing my shoulder. "You'll What?" I asked as I turned my head to look behind me, "I'll wait for when your ready" he said creasing my cheek. "You don't have to do that" i said and he kissed my cheek, "but I want to and I want you to heal" he whispered. "I suppose you're going to ask a prostitute now" i said lowering my voice and he cupped my chin having me turn my head to look at him. "No I'm going to wait for you because you're who I want" he said before leaning in and kissing me softly and at a slow pace.

He wiggled down the bed so he was now lying down with me in his arms, I wrapped my arm around his torso feeling his abs as I slid my arm around. "Comfy?" He asked and I nodded as I rested my head on his chest, "I wanna stay like this" I whispered as I felt him press his lips gently against my forehead. "Me too" he said as I snuggled into him and he pulled the blanket over us, "I'm thinking of going out to dinner tonight" he said and I looked up at him with a lazy smile. "With the boys?" I asked and he shook his head tapping my nose with the tip of his finger, "no with you" he said as he gently poked my cheek. "Oh really?" I asked and he pinched my cheek, "ow" I whined and he laughed. "Of course with you silly" he laughed kissing my cheek in the same place he pinched it.

"Don't you have better people to have accompany you to dinner?" I asked asked and he rolled his eyes poking my head, "stop that" I said swatting his hand away. "I wanna go with you" he said as he held my hand, "convince me" I said with a smirk playing on my lips. "How?" He asked and i rolled over so my back was facing him instead, "don't give me the silent treatment" he pouted. "Please look at me" he said and I stayed quiet, "please come with me to dinner?" He asked as he stretched out the r at the end of dinner. "Fine" i said and he hugged me tightly again wincing as he did, "be ready by 5:30pm" he said as he moved over sitting up on the edge of the bed grabbing his shirt and putting it on. "See you later" i said and he winked at me before leaving the room.

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