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I froze at the females voice then looked seeing what position we were in before jumping to my feet and Harrison straightened up but he didn't look pleased. "So your sleeping with a hooker I presume" she snickered and I folded my arms hiding my chest. "Do you even know where you are?" Harrison asked, "yea lord James house and yes he's in hospital I came by to see his son Connor and his sister Nicole" the girl explained. "My cousins aren't here there at the hospital" i said and she laughed at me. "Quit pretending your nobility you look like a servant or a hooker from the streets" she laughed and i sniffled. "Jasey that's enough!" Harrison yelled and it echoed through the room making me jump, "so what" Jasey said and he rolled his eyes.

"Next time you want to assume keep your mouth shut" he said and she rolled her eyes at us, "this is Catherine she's part of that family" Harrison explained. Her mouth dropped open and she stared in disbelief, "you you're the lost cousin" she said surprised but she didn't apologise for her previous words. "Now get out!" Harrison shouted before groaning in pain clutching his shoulder, "what happened did you get shot again?" Jasey asked as she saw the bandaged shoulder. "No shit what do you think" Harrison said sounding annoyed, "no need to be moody" she mumbled before leaving the room. "Sorry that's Jasey Rae she's my cousin but she's very annoying and well has no filter" Harrison said hiding a groan, "want some pain killers?" I asked and he looked at me with glossy red eyes. "You got any?" He asked and I nodded fetching some from the cupboard and bringing them over with a tall glass of water in my hand.

He took the painkillers and laid back onto the bed, I laid down next to him and he wrapped his arm that wasn't hurt around me. He pushed me a little and I wiggled around until I was lying on top of him, I rest my head on his chest and he slowly rubbed my back. "Am I hurting you?" I whispered and he nuzzled his face into my head, "you aren't but your keeping me calm" he said. "What happens when you're not calm?" I asked as I traced the small tattoo on his chest. "You don't want to know" he said as he moved his hand under my shirt so it rested on my skin. "You look like your thinking" he said and I looked up at him seeing a lazy grin, "no I'm just trying to relax" I said and he acknowledged my answer but didn't push it.

"How's your ankle?" He asked as he trailed his hand down my leg, "sore" I said and he rested his hand on my thigh. "What are you doing?" Asked as I felt his hand on my thigh, he slid his hand down to my inner thigh and I felt butterflies in my stomach. "Quit teasing" i said and I knew he had a grin, "oh but you did tease me before" he said tracing his finger along the lining of my panties. "But we were interrupted" i said biting my lip as he rubbed me through my panties, "no excuse" he whispered as he continued to tease me. "You're injured" I reminded him and he looked at me, "I don't care" he said as he slipped his hand inside my panties pushing a finger inside of me moving slowly. I bit my lip as I looked away turning my head as he moved his fingers adding another, "I wanna hear you miss" he whispered as he kissed behind my ear. He moved his fingers again but deeper using his thumb to rub small circles, a quiet moan left my lips as I grabbed onto his other arm digging in my nails. "Good girl" he whispered as he moved his finger deeper and slower, he dipped his head down to my shoulder biting into it.

He sucked a love bite as I moaned in his ear and I could feel his erection poking my thigh, he leaned in kissing me deeply as I moaned into his mouth and he groaned. I bit my lip as I moved my hips to which he pinned down to the mattress and i squirmed, he moved his fingers faster as i clenched my thighs feeling my climax roll through. He chuckled as he pulled his fingers out cleaning them off and lying beside me. I placed my hand on his injured shoulder gently rubbing his arm down to his hand rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. The next time I woke up with my head lying in the middle of Harrison's chest, I lifted my head looking around the room and tilted my head up seeing Harrison still asleep.

I looked at the bandage on his shoulder and gently moved his arm from my waist and left the bed placing a blanket over him. I grabbed a loose white v neck shirt from the draws and slipped it on with some tights, I left the room pulling the door closed slowly as I peeked through the gap seeing Harrison still asleep. I closed the door and pulled away taking a step away from the door, "Catherine" I jumped turning around seeing Jasey Rae with a smile on her face as she held her hands behind her back. "You fucking scared me" I said as I fell back against the door, "sorry about that" she said and I looked at her awkwardly as I saw she was being nice. "I wanted to say sorry about our encounter" she said and I pierced my lips together, "I don't need your apology" i said ready to walk away but she put her hand out in front of me against the wall. "Let me past" i said and she looked me up and down, "like that" she said and i rolled my eyes.

"My uncles house and I can dress how I want to be walking around" i said and she put her hands up. "Someone's on her pregnant" she mumbled and I ignored her talk walking past her and to the kitchens. I walked to the kitchens well more like limped opening the door seeing Tamika being playfully chased by her step father, "ooo Catherine" she said as he father caught her. She looked up to him with a hopeful smile and he gladly let her go, she ran towards me all giggly and excited taking my hand and running out of the kitchens. "Careful Tamika I'm still injured" i reminded her and she stopped running, "sorry" she said looking down. Then her expression changed and she started laughing, "what's that?" She asked hiding a grin as she pointed at my neck. I brushed my finger tips against my neck wincing and realising Harrison's love bite wasn't so subtle. "It's nothing" I said covering it with my hair and folding my arms, "sleeping with the enemy I see" she said giggling as she skipped ahead of me.

"Oh my god not you too Tamika" I said limping to catch up with her, "I'm kidding cmon let's go to the library and investigate" she said grabbing my hand. We walked up to the library just the two of us and I went to look through the articles and newspapers for more on the murder of Irene Ryhill. "Tamika look at this" i said as I opened up to a marked page.

Trial date is set for the murder of Irene Ryhill and the attempted murder of her son after an exchange. Ernest is wanted for the murder and his accomplices, police on Tuesday found a body that is yet to be identified in the water under the bridge.

"The papers say it's a drug dealing but I know it's more than that" I said passing the article to Tamika. "Has Harrison told you anything?" She asked as she skimmed over the document, "as if I'll get anything out of him he came back last night with a gunshot wound on the shoulder" i said with a hint of annoyance in my voice. "I'm going down to my uncles wine cellar I need a bottle to myself" i said getting out of the chair and I could hear Tamika laughing behind me, I went down the flights of stairs opening the door easily which I thought was strange. I looked behind the door feeling the lock feeling the broken hinge but I didn't think much of it because it could've broken a while ago. I opened the case grabbing a bottle of red wine and a glass pouring myself some and drinking it while holding the bottle in my hand, I leaned up against the wall drinking.

I laughed at myself as I drank the glass looking at the other cabinets seeing the different types of alcohol. One cupboard of white wine, red wine, rum then whiskey with many more, "if it isn't babygirl Catherine" I froze almost dropping the glass hearing the familiar voice sending chills down my spine. A figure emerged from the dim light and I gasped ready to scream as they walked towards me, they wrapped their hand around my mouth taking the glass with a evil smile. "Nice to see you again babygirl" Owen said.

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