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"Catherine order up for table 2 and 6 are ready!" my head chef calls out from the kitchens and I lightly jog over to retrieve the orders to serve. I took the orders over to the tables and placed them in front of the two men who sat in the corner of the café. "Here you are gentlemen" I greeted as I placed their plates on the table. "Thank you miss" the man to the right greeted where as the man on the left looked at me in amazement. Hadn't he seen a women before, he looked like the type of guy to be gating a super model. Someone way out of my league, I left the table and went bac into the kitchens getting the next order and taking it out to deliver. "Here you are Mrs. Michaels" I said giving her usual order which was a ham and cheese croissant with a black tea.

"Excuse me miss" I heard the men from the table in the corner call, "pardon me Mrs. Michaels" I said and she smiled as she took hold of my hand. "My dear no need to excuse yourself now go talk to those charming men" she said letting go and I showed a warm smile then walked over. "Yes gentleman?" I asked and the one on the left smiled at me then averted his eyes, "what's your name?" the man asked. "Catherine" I answered and he nodded, "you?" I asked. "Joshua" he said introducing himself. "And who's he?" I asked pointing at the man next to him, "this is Harrison" Joshua introduced and Harrison just waved. "Hello there beautiful" Harrison greeted and I fet the blood rush to my cheeks after those words left his mouth.

"Thank you that's very kind" I commented and Harrison showed me a smirk, "I best be getting back to work then" I said and Joshua nodded then I left. I ran back into the kitchens and to one of the sinks to wash my face with cold water. "what's up with you?" Rebecca asked as she stood behind me watching. The cold water splashing against my face, "just a hot flash" I said and she shook her head as in she didn't believe me. "Sounds like a load of rubbish to me" she said as she looked out into the main dining. "He's cute" she said and I looked over seeing her gawking over Harrison, "he's okay looking for a jerk" I said. "Oh calm down she said as she hit me on the shoulder, "at least he called you beautiful" she said pointing over in his direction. "I'm an ugly cow" I laughed and she gritted her teeth, "bitch say that again and I will choke slam you" she said. "What?" I said and she tapped her nails against the table, "you are not ugly you're beautiful you bitch shut up" she said waving her hands in the air.

"Wait!, look there's guys in suits walking in" Rebecca said, "like bodyguards?" I asked and she nodded. We listened in to the conversation nothing seemed out of the ordinary, not like they were going to hold us all hostage. "Now that I think of it that Harrison guy his accent sounded foreign" I said, "foreign?" Rebecca repeated. "Yea they ain't from this side of town" I said and she giggled, "Catherine come here please" Glenn called out and I glared at Rebecca as I made my way out of the kitchen's. I walked to the table where Harrison and Joshua sat and felt nervous at the sight of the two men in suits wearing glasses like the two guys in men in black. Are there any aliens around here that I don't know about, "I want to invite you to an interview" Joshua said speaking up. "An interview for what might I ask?" I crossed my arms over my chest looking at him sternly, "something important" he said and I huffed.

"Think of it like another job interview" Glenn said sounding a little disappointed but a smile showed on his face as he slightly bowed his head. Why is he bowing his head to these people, what on earth is special about them. Son of a bitch ain't gonna sweet talk me into another job, I love my job here and the pay gets me by no matter how much I'm struggling to put food on the table.

"Your highness are you sure she's a good fit?" one of the bodyguards asked, "shhh shut up" Harrison said and then I did a double take, wait your highness!. No did I hear that right did he say your highness, " Catherine do you not know who that is?" Rebecca asked and I shook my head, "that's his royal highness Harrison" she explained and I rubbed my eyes looking again as she showed me a googled imagine on her phone. "You're joking?" I asked and she rolled her eyes, "no I'm deadly serious" she responded patting my shoulder as she made her way out back to the store room to retrieve some coffee beans. I stared at him taking in his posture and demeanour taking in his features and the feeling he gave to the room. 'There is just no way that this asshole is royalty' I thought to myself as I stared at him not noticing Rebecca coming back from the storage room. "I'm not joking" she whispered to me as she began brewing the coffee beans in the grinder and steaming them.

"Show me that picture again?" I asked reaching over for her phone which she quickly snatched it away from me. "No google it on your own phone" she protested and I managed to grab it looking at the screen. I looked at the photos then back up at the supposed Prince who was in the shop, 'no way' I thought to myself as I looked in disbelief and suspicion at the bodyguards and Joshua whatever his name was the guy was arrogant and rude and don't even get me started on the body guards they were intimidating. I nudged Rebecca in her side to which she nudged me back ten times more harder in the ribs, i mouthed ouch to her and she smirked back at me kicking my ankle. I leaned over the counter sorting out the cakes in the display casing and I could smell the coffee beans brewing with the rich smell on the boarder line of burned and just right.

"Be nice" Rebecca mumbled to me to which I gave her a side eye followed by a glare, "um hello" I heard Harrison say then I snapped back to reality. "Hello" I said in a mumble, i really didn't want to talk to the guy, "Harrison she looks like a deer in the headlights" Joshua called out as he leaned over the table. I looked over at Rebecca who was in the process of curtsying to Harrison, "Give me your phone" I said to Rebecca but she rolled her eyes. I snatched it from her pocket taking it out and by my luck it hadn't locked yet. I googled the royal family and looked at the name and the history, a few pictures showed up on my search and on specifically caught my eye. I clicked on it reading the little description on the bottom, "Prince of Denmark spotted down at the pub" I read then i looked back up at Harrison and then back at the picture before my hand flew over my mouth and Rebecca snatched her phone back.  

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