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My dearest tatina,

I hope you're well, your mother told me you'd moved in with a fine gentleman.
I'd love to meet him my dear, I would also love if you'd attend my 96th birthday with your brother. I've not been able to contact him so please do pass on the message, I look forward to seeing you soon.

Great Nona  x

I wiped away a stray tear reading the letter from my grandmother she was the sweetest and kindest person I knew. Nonna is my father's mother and well Dad he's not been around much and I haven't hear from him in years. Mums downward spiral began after she cheated on Dad with another man some guy by the name of Jason and to put the cherry on top of the sundae Dad has another two children who are my half siblings. Georgia and her twin Charlie, apparently they're inseparable. I folded the letter neatly and placed it in my purse before wheeling to the window ceil, placing my hands on the window ceil I pushed myself up to standing. I was still a little weak but I had regained a bit of feeling. "Hey easy there" I turned my head seeing Josh running to me, "what were you thinking the doctor said a few days" he said placing his hands on my hips and helping me sit back in the wheel chair because I forgot the breaks.

"I just wanted to see if I could do it" I said and he crouched down in front of me, "patience" he said and i rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Fine" I said and wheeled myself away from the window, "I wanna go out into the garden" i said and Josh didn't say anything he just wheeled me out of my room and to the garden. I didn't realise how much I'd miss walking anywhere, "do you want the company?" Josh asked and I shook my head and wheeled away down the path on my own. Being here was kind of lonely honestly and I didn't know when Harrison would be back, I made my way to the bird bath seeing three blue birds in the water. I made my way down to the gazebo seeing the sun go behind the clouds, it would probably rain later but i didn't mind the rain.
"Hey Catherine" I turned around seeing Brooklyn walking towards the gazebo with a book to her chest, "hi Brooklyn" I said spinning myself around. "I need your advice um Harrison just asked me out" she said and i showed her a smile, "that's great" I said and she looked really nervous. "Does someone really like him?" I teased as i watched her cheeks go pink, "yes" she whispered. "Well did you say yes?" I asked and she nodded, "how exciting" i said and he just shrugged. "Aren't you happy?" I asked and she bit her lip, "I guess I am but it's a big change" she said nervously.

"How so?" I asked not understanding how it was a big change because to me it seemed like an exciting thing. "Well, if you've been childhood friends and then friends with benefits feeling insecure would you enter a relationship with that same person?" She asked me and that took me back and made me think, "I don't understand it clearly but i have an idea of where you're coming from" I said. "I need sometime to myself" she said as she turned around facing the window, I bowed my head and left without another word closing the door behind me. I wheeled myself down the hall until I found myself at Harrison's study, I knocked awaiting a reply and when he opened the door he walked behind me wheeling me into his study.

"You alright?" he asked as he crouched down in front of me, "I'm fine I just hate being confined to this wheelchair" I said. "Perhaps you'd prefer to be seated somewhere comfier" he said as he leaned in snaking his arm around the back of my waist and under my knees. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and he carried me with ease over to the couch sitting down with me on his lap. "Better?" he asked as he pulled me closer, "don't get too cheeky" I said and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry about what happened at the dance" he said in a slight whisper, and I looked at him confused. "I didn't think you'd be in danger and well I'm just glad you're okay" he said. "Why so you can pay me more to be your fake girlfriend and use me how you see fit?" I asked and he gently rubbed my arm, "you make it sound like I'm using you for my own selfish needs" he argued. "And Harrison what if you are" I said feeling hurt, "I am not some toy you can seduce" I said. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that Catherine" he said as he touched my cheek. "Then how did you mean it?" I asked and his hand gently creased my cheek leaning in, "what are you doing?" I asked as his lips stayed just centimeters away from mine.

"Shutting you up you talk too much" he whispered as he brushed his lips against mine, "stop this" I said feeling uncomfortable. "What's wrong?" he asked pulling away, "you can't tell me that I am a girl to be disposed with your use" Catherine it's not like that I promise" he pleaded. He pulled me closer stroking my hair as I rested my head on his chest, "I'm taking you to dinner tonight" he whispered in my ear. "That sounds like a recipe for disaster" I said, "why's that?" he asked in my ear. "I'm practically still unable to walk and I don't want you pushing me around" I protested.

"Then shall we learn to walk again" he offered as he stood up with me in his arms letting me down slowly so my feet could touch the floor, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as his hands rested on my waist. "Move your feet slowly" he instructed, and I did so, "the nerves in your feet are only numb hence why you collapsed before in front of Josh" he explained. "Will it be long?" I asked and he showed a sad smile as he guided me in the steps I took, "how does it feel?" he asked and I stomped my feet on the spot. "I have a little bit of feeling in my feet" I said almost falling forward into Harrison. "That's enough for now" he said guiding me back down into the wheelchair, "so do we still have the dinner date tonight?" he asked. "What's involved in this dinner date?" I asked smiling as he kneeled down reaching out and holding my hands. "a nice picnic in the gardens just the two of us" he said placing a kiss on my cheek.

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