Part 56 - One Hundred Thousand Arrows

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We were so tired we didn't wake up until the banging of gongs and drums announced the start of another grey wintery morning in military camp. We stumbled to the canteen tent for breakfast and had just sat down when Kongming arrived looking very pleased with himself. 

 He had news from his spies; Dr Zhang Lee was at Cho Cho's camp just across the Long river (Yangtze).

Half joking, Kongming asked us if we had any suggestions in case Cho Cho attacked the Southland.

'Cho Cho has more men,' Denny said. 'He will overwhelm the Southlanders.'

'How can we stop them?' Kongming asked.

'He has to get them across the river,' Miguel pointed out. 'And, from what we've seen, they are not good at sailing.'

'Could we force him to attack in bad weather?' Licia suggested.

'Cho Cho will choose his own time,' Kongming mused as he produced a map of the river, 'but he has already chosen the place. He has built a giant harbour across the river, here, where he is assembling the invasion fleet.' 

 'If we could think of a way to destroy Cho Cho's boats,' I said.

'Why not use fire ships?' Miguel asked. 

 'Fire ships?' Kongming asked. 'A good idea but Cho Cho's boats can easily avoid them.'

'Maybe we could get Cho Cho to join them together like a big raft,' I joked.

Licia looked at the map and laughed. 'Then, we would only need a strong east wind to keep him from leaving the harbour.' 

 We all laughed at Kongming's expression. 'Soon, you young people will be taking my job.'

After breakfast, Sun Quan was in conference with Kongming and we snuck up to the back of his tent and eavesdropped. 

 'Cho Cho was merely testing our defences in the last skirmish,' Sun Quan was saying. 'When he attacks in force, what tactics and weapons should we use?'

Kongming replied. 'If we fight him boat to boat, on the Long River, he will overwhelm us. We have little choice, we must fight at long range. We must use bowmen.' 

 'I agree,' General Zhou Yu said. 'But we are short of arrows . . . Kongming, you will undertake the task of providing one hundred thousand arrows,' he ordered. 'You have ten days'

'Ten days is too long,' Kongming said mildly. 'Cho Cho may attack at any time. I will deliver them in two days.'

 'Don't joke about this,' Zhou Yu snapped back angrily, 'we cannot afford mistakes.'

 'I was not joking,' Kongming said hastily. 'I will complete this task in two days or submit to military law.'

There was a lot more discussion about tactics and logistics but eventually everyone left the tent except Zhou Yu and Lu Su. 

 Denny, Miguel and I left with Kongming but Licia and Chen Ling stayed behind. They caught up with us later.

 'General  Zhou Yu was surprised you know so much about Cho Cho,' Licia told Kongming. 'He thinks you are dangerous. He told Lu Su to delay the needed materials and when you fail to provide the arrows, he will have you executed for failing to fulfil a military order.' 

 We expected a confrontation when Lu Su came to Kongming's tent that evening but, when Lu Su asked what materials were needed for the arrows, Kongming groaned. 

 'Zhou Yu has set me this impossible task. How am I supposed to make one hundred thousand arrows in two days? If I fail, he can execute me under military law.' 

 Lu Su looked at him with incredulity. 'You brought this on yourself. What can I do about it?' Kongming thought about that for a few minutes. 'Lend me twenty boats, each with a crew of thirty, a thousand bundles of straw and 200 bu of black cloth. And, please . . . saying nothing to Zhou Yu.'

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