Chapter 12 : Finals Season

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Hei Yan Jing is sitting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed. They were stopping for gas and Xie Yuchen was outside pumping. They are on the way back to school for the finals season before they have to head back home for lunar new year. Xie Yuchen was celebrating with Hei Yan Jing's family this time.

Xie Yuchen opens the door and gets back in. He smiles at Hei Yan Jing even though the man can not see him. They had stayed up late last night studying, which then turned into sex. Which turned into more studying and they ended up sleeping only about an hour.

"Do you want to hit a Starbucks?" Xie Yuchen asks. Hei Yan Jing looks at him.

"Are you sure you are okay to drive?" Hei Yan Jing asks. He wraps his hand around the other man's hand on the shift. Xie Yuchen nods his head and they peel out of the gas station. He had pounded espresso shots from the kitchen this morning so he was alert. Thankfully he did not have a final until the day after tomorrow so he intends to sleep tonight.

Hei Yan Jing has a final tomorrow which is why they were heading back. Hei Yan Jing closes his eyes again. He was going to sleep this trip so he can stay up late tonight. He would work in the library so he did not disturb Xie Yuchen.

Huo Xiu Xiu knew the two of them were dating. They were obvious about it. But no one from school knows. Of course if they saw Hei Yan Jing's Weibo they would know that he was with Xie Yuchen for the holidays, but nothing else. They were still in the high of being with another person. But Xie Yuchen was still scared about dating someone. This was his first relationship and so much can go wrong. Hei Yan Jing was nervous but he was known for keeping calm. He was acting like everything was the same, he just snuck kisses here and there when he could.

Some time later they arrive back at the college. Xie Yuchen got this car for Christmas so he is thankful that can just park it here and not worry about having to return it. He turns off the car and pats the older man's thigh. Hei Yan Jing slowly wakes up. He sighs when he sees the campus and stretches his body.

"I was going to ask", Hei Yan Jing starts. "What do you want to do about the beds?"

"The beds?" Xie Yuchen says. "What do you mean?"

"Well at your house we slept in the same bed, but here the beds are separated", he states. Xie Yuchen makes a face when he notices that. "Do you want to put them together so we can sleep together?" Hei Yan Jing asks. He gets out of the car and Xie Yuchen follows.

"Oh I think that's a good idea", Xie Yuchen says. "We just need to move the dressers". Hei Yan Jing nods his head.

"Do you want to head straight to my home after we finish finals or wait until the break actually starts?", Hei Yan Jing asks. He grabs both of their bags and starts to head up the stairs to the building. Xie Yuchen locks the car and follows.

"How big is your father's home?" Xie Yuchen asks. This makes Hei Yan Jing chuckle.

"Are you asking that because you want to have sex and are afraid my father would hear?" Hei Yan Jing jokes. Xie Yuchen hits the man's back.

"I would not call it a mansion, but we have separate wings of the house. Well not wings, rather separate houses", he says. "You know in old palaces where the empress would have a different palace then the emperor?"

"Yes", Xie Yuchen says. He opens the door to the building and allows Hei Yan Jing to enter first.

"That is how our house is, we have separate houses but they are connected by a tunnel. Well more of a hallway", he says. "We have our own independent space. But we share kitchens, living areas. Just the bedrooms and bathrooms are separate". He presses the elevator button with his elbow and waits for it to come.

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