Chapter 11: First Times

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Xie Yuchen is lounging on the couch, his head leaning against Hei Yan Jing's chest. His jacket was wide open and Hei Yan Jing was playing with the diamonds that adorned his chest. Huo Xiu Xiu was sleeping on a couch with an empty bottle in her hand. Her heels are on the floor. Xie Yuchen rubs his hand up and down Hei Yan Jing's thigh. Other people were mulling around on the dance floor, mainly the children of the high ranking family.

"We have finals next week", Xie Yuchen says in a hoarse voice. His throat hurt from screaming before with the music. He sits up and looks at Hei Yan Jing. The older man frowns at him and flicks his cheek.

"Why are you thinking about school?" he says. He leans his head back and Xie Yuchen nuzzles closer.

"Because we head back in 2 days, and then we need to start going to review sessions", Xie Yuchen whispers into the man's lips.

"Hmmmm, I see", Hei Yan Jing says. He smirks at the younger man. He sees some people on the dance floor making out. "Come here". He gets up and grabs the younger man's hand. The music was slow now. He pulls him onto the dance floor and wraps his hands around his waist. Xie Yuchen smiles as he sways to the music. He was drunk but he was also sober enough that he understood his emotions. He leans in and kisses Hei Yan Jing. The older man kisses him back. His lips tasted like a mix of every alcohol he drank that night. Not the greatest taste but he liked it since it was Xie Yuchen.

Xie Yuchen smiles into the kiss, throwing his hands around the man's neck, pulling him deeper. Hei Yan Jing opens his mouth to laugh and Xie Yuchen pushes in. Hei Yan Jing understands what Xie Yuchen wants and he kisses him harder. Tugging his lips and holding his waist firm. He then realizes they are in public surrounded by people that will report to Xie Yuchen in a few years time. He pulls away and bit and whispers into Xie Yuchen's ear.

"People are watching us Xie Ye", he says. Xie Yuchen nods his head and removes his lips from the man. He continues to dance. Somehow Hei Yan Jing looked good even though it was almost sunrise, and they had taken way too many shots. He holds his face and rubs his thumb against his lips. "You are being needy", Hei Yan Jing says. He leans his head on Xie Yuchen's shoulder holding him tight as they sway. He sees Huo Xiu Xiu moving around on the couch cuddling the pillow. It was snowing heavily outside. He kind of wanted to go outside and roll around in the snow, but he also didn't want to be sick.

"Let us drink more", Xie Yuchen says. He lets go of Hei Yan Jing and walks to the bar. The bartender was long gone so he walks behind the counter. Hei Yan Jing looks at the pearls cascading down his body. He can see the man's abs. He has only seen them a couple of times, and he was still surprised that this demure man had them. He raises his eyes from the man's navel to his eyes.

"Drink", Xie Yuchen says. Hei Yan Jing laughs and takes the cup, drinking it one sip. "Do you wanna watch the sunrise?" Xie Yuchen asks. Hei Yan Jing raises an eyebrow. "Stop looking at me like that. There is a room at the top of the house that's perfect to watch the sunrise. Come on let us watch the first sunrise of the new year".

"Didn't think you were sentimental", Hei Yan Jing says. He did know Xie Yuchen was. The man wore his heart on his sleeve since the first day they met. It was quite gross how much the man emoted at times.

"Hei", Xie Yuchen says. He swirls his whiskey around in his cup. "I have a proposition".

"I'm concerned but go ahead", Hei Yan Jing says. He takes the cup from Xie Yuchen's hand and sips from it before returning back to his hand.

"Since I will be working closer with my father in the coming year, why don't we leave the campus?" Xie Yuchen says. He fills his cup up and Hei Yan Jing takes the bottle from him. So he can just swig from it.

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