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The boy from the waterpark or better known as Dal slept the whole afternoon and night, waking up early in the morning. 

His crying woke Minjee and Chan up, both getting up to check on him. "Appa!" He wailed making grabby hands up at Minjee. She cooed, trying to stop him from crying. "It's ok Dal, please don't cry." She softly hummed patting his back at the same time.

Chan was behind Minjee, giving the boy a soft smile. "Are you hungry?" He asked once Dal had stopped crying. He nodded his head while rubbing his eyes, Minjee was thankful none of the members woke up.

Minjee was about to hand Dal to Chan when he put his hand out to stop her. "I'll make breakfast for today." He said and shushed her before she could protest. "He seems to trust you the most." He explained making her sigh.

She and Dal sat on the couch, him still in her lap. "Ok Dal, do you know your Umma's name?" He twisted his lips to the side before shrugging. Her shoulders slumped, she needed a lot more than a shrug.

The two talked, mostly her asking yes and no questions about Dal. The boy didn't seem to mind, the pretty lady was very nice to him. "Dal? do you like waffles?" Chan asked walking into the living room with an apron on.

It was pink with frills on the bottom. Minjee snickered, his muscular build was very out of place in the feminine apron.

Dal's eyes lit up before he sprung out of Minjee's lap and ran to Chan. He looked up at chan, clinging onto his leg for support. "Powder sugar?" He asked with a small hopeful look. Chan looked up at Minjee, mentally asking if they did.

She silently got up and snuck past the two into the kitchen, checking for the boy. Luckily there was and she brought it out. She sprinkled some on the smallest plate and quickly put it away just as Chan and Dal came in.

"Look! Channie knew you would like powdered sugar!" She said leading him to his plate of food. He marveled and looked back up at Chan. "Just like Appa!" He giggled sitting down on the large wooden chair. 

It was sad to be compared to a boy's dead father, but Chan was proud. Proud that Minjee had such a kind heart to do that for the boy, without knowing it she made a memory for the boy.

Soon the rest of the members came in, saying good morning and ruffling the little boy's hair when passing by him to their seats. Minjee poured water into all their cups before digging in. "Has the manager said anything?" Felix asked Chan since he was beside him.

"No, the best we can do is put up missing child posters asking if he is their son."  He mumbled glancing at Dal. "We only have a limited time on this island, what will we do when we leave and we haven't found his mom." Minho asked making Minjee tense up.

"Then we will get custody of him-" "Minjee." Chan said looking up at Minjee. He gave her a stern look. "We can't do that, we are idols and we don't have the time to properly take care of a child-" "Well we're not leaving him!"

She stood up, slamming her hands on the table. The action made Dal jump and Chan's eyes widened. The members also looked surprised, when it came to Chan she never raised her voice. It went silent, the tension obvious in the air when it was cut by the muffled cries of Dal.

Minjee's eyes darted to Dal, feeling guilt wash over her. The sudden outburst must have scared him. "We're not leaving him." She mumbled quietly picking him up. She took him to Chan's and Minjee's shared room and closed the door so Dal could cry in peace.

֍Minjee֍ |SKZ 9th member|Where stories live. Discover now