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Chan woke up to the sound of laughter and an empty bed. Almost right on queue Minjee walked in. "Oh! Good morning Chan." She said walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed. He squinted his eyes at the blinding light before reaching out and trapping Minjee in his arm.

She didn't fight it, leaning with chan as he pulled her down next to him. She turned around so she could face him and placed a hand on his cheek. "The boys wanted to order breakfast today, Yours is in the microwave keeping warm." He hummed and closed his eyes, breathing in her scent, mint, and cucumbers.

"How's Dal?" He asked in a hoarse voice. "Felix and Jisung are teaching him Mario cart." That made Chan chuckle and tighten his hold on Minjee. "Geez, I'm not going anywhere." "Forever?"

Minjee paused which made Chan open his eyes to look at her. She slowly took her hand off his cheek and gave him a tight smile. "Your breakfast wont be warm if you stay in bed all day." She said, dodging his question.

He just sighed and released Minjee, following her to the kitchen. She handed him a styrofoam box with a cheesy omelet and bacon inside. Taking out a glass she filled it with Apple juice. Minjee walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where the members were all laughing.

Dal seemed to get the hang of Mario cart fast, lapping Jisung multiple. Dal of course was no match for Felix which made the boy pout. "Teach me your ways!" Dal said to the freckled male. Felix just smiled a bright smile, basking in the attention.

"Dal, want some apple juice?" Minjee asked making the boy's head shoot up. He darted toward Minjee and crashed into her legs, hugging them. "Yes please!" He said looking up at her with joy in his eyes.

She giggled and handed the glass to the boy. "Hey, Channie Hyung." Felix greeted making the boys look up from what they were doing. They all collectively smiled, making Chan's heart squeeze.

"Hey boys, sorry I left so abruptly.." He trailed off, taking a sip from his cup of water. Minjee would have made him coffee like the other members but she knew that the Aussie boys didn't like coffee that much.

"Dal had the idea to go out today for a sort of beach picnic!" Minjee said making Chan nod his head. "Good idea buddy!" He said ruffling the boy's hair.

Dal stared up at Chan, seeming to be in a daze. "Uhm, I have a question.." He said playing with his fingers and twisting his from side to side in a shy manner. Chan gave him a comforting smile and nodded his head, telling him to go ahead.

"Can I call you Appa and pretty lady Umma?

Everyone seemed to pause, caught off guard. They thought he would be old enough to not make those types of associations with people. You know how baby ducks imprint on the first person/ thing they see and think they are their mother, yeah that's what they thought Dal was too old for.

"Well.." Chan looked toward Minjee, having a sort of excited and honored look on her face mixed with shock of course. If he said yes, that would make the kid an even more responsibility and that would mean the kid thought he and Minjee were...

"I would be fine with that, but it's up to Chan if you can call him Appa." Minjee answered kneeling so she could be the same height as Dal.

Chan sighed, nodding his head yes making them all cheer. He looked up in confusion. "Channie-Hyung is officially the Dad of the group!" Han said along with Felix.

Minjee beamed and hugged Chan, putting her ear near his heart. "Thank you Channie.." He softly whispered making him melt. He hugged her back and even brought Dal into the group hug. Everyone joined as well, one by one, Minho being the last. 

"To the Beach!" Hyunjin declared taking off with the 00'liners and Jeongin. Minho watch Changbin and Dal leave and quickly turned around to Minjee and Chan.

"Manager-nim called, He said there was a sudden change. The dance teacher's results were wrong and he never had covid. We are scheduled to leave tomorrow." "Awhh.." Chan complained looking down at Minjee who was side-hugging him.

She looked off to the side, staring off into space with worry etched on her face. He tightened the hug making her snap her head to him. "Hm?" both Oppas chuckled and shook their head.

They all walked outside, heading to where the others were. Minho went on ahead of them as Chan slowed down their pace, still in a side hug with Minjee.

"Is everything ok?" He asked making her take a deep breath in. "I'm just worried, worried about Dal. Worried about Stay.. What do you think Stay will say? Do you think it's safe for Dal?" He chuckled, rubbing her arm.

"Don't worry so much, sure this vacation was cut short but I still want you to relax a bit more." She sighed and nodded her head. "Come on Appa!" Dal's voice said pulling Minjee out of her trance and to the waving boy.

"What about Umma?" She teased leaving Chan's side and running to the boy, wrapping him in her arms and spinning him around. Laughter left Minjee's and Dal's mouths. which made the member also laugh.

Chan paused, stepping back with a fond smile.

Seungmin, glad to have his camera on him, snapped a quick picture of the three. He showed it off to Felix and Hyunjin with a grin. Both boys giggled, high-fiving.




"Head Count!" Chan announced while clapping his hands. While doing that Minjee was busy hiding Dal in one of the boy's oversized coats. Sure it looked suspicious amongst the photographers, to have Minjee carrying something but not being able to see what it was. The coat was so big you couldn't see Dal's feet and you could barely make out any shapes.

The flashing of the lights scared the boy making him clutch onto Minjee's shirt. She tried her best to calm the boy before he started to cry but now her main mission was to make it onto the plane. 

She stayed in the middle of the boys before she felt a hand on her lower back. She jumped and looked behind her to see Jisung. She could notice to shake in his body but the protective look on his face as he scanned the place.

She got a flashback to when they had just debuted, to when he would practically be frozen when large crowds surrounded him, she also had social anxiety but as his Noona she pushed through her fears and guided Jiisung through the people, dragging him by the wrist.

This time he was the one to do that, to face his fears and help out the ones he loved. 'Han Jisung, when did you become so grown up?'  She smiled, like a proud Umma, and patted his shoulder. He leaned down to hear what she wanted to say but was met with a kiss on the cheek instead.

"Thank you, Sung." She said as her heart melted, times like this made her happy to be an Idol with them. He beamed and touched his temple to her temple. "Just being a good dongsaeng!"  

The cameras seemed to focus on them making Jisung push her forward. They walked at a fast pace towards the ticket lady. They showed her their tickets and board the plane, soon relaxing. The rest joined them just as Minjee helped Dal into his seat.

This time Minjee was in a three-seater, and Dal was in the window seat. Chan took the aisle seat meaning she had the middle seat, she was fine with this though. 

"Sleep, we'll be back in South Korea soon." Chan whispered making Minjee shudder. But she complied, slowly falling asleep against his shoulder.

~Word Count: 1315~


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