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After a few hours, the group made it back to South Korea, they had to go through another mob of people in the airport but Dal was now more used to it. He was still scared but he didn't clutch onto Minjee as he did before.

They all made it back to the dorms as well and the boys took Dal to give him a tour of the place.

Minjee slumped her shoulder making the bag she had slide down her arm and to the floor. Comforting arms circled Minjee's waist but she didn't need to look up to know who it was. Chan rested his head on top of hers, his ear pressed against her hair.

"Questions are going to circle the internet." "Yeah, I guess it's weird for me to carry something and hide it so secretively-" "Not just that." Chan interrupted her, tightening his arms around her.

"Cameras caught the little interaction between you and Han." Minjee sighed and rolled her eyes. "Nothing Stay hasn't seen before, I've given everyone a kiss." "Not me." He almost pouted making Minjee's breath hitch.

She thought about it and came up with nothing. Was it really true that she never gave him a kiss? She thought she did, It would make sense since she has given everyone else one before.

Despite not needing to, she stood on her tippy toes and kissed his nose. She smiled at his frozen state and took the opportunity to escape from his arms.




"Lights out!" Chan yelled, making the boys groan.

"Oh come on guys, We have practice tomorrow so let's get some well-deserved sleep." Minjee encouraged scooping Dal up from the couch. Dal was almost asleep, his eyes droopy. "Yah! let's go." Minho instructed clapping his hands.

Minjee placed a hand on his shoulder. "Please, not too much noise." She said, gesturing to the sleeping Dal in her arms.

Chan helped Jeongin to bed while Minjee carried Dal to her room. She placed Dal on her bed, who immediately snuggled into the covers. She smiled and pecked his forehead.

She stepped back and grabbed a pillow and an extra blanket. She turned off the light and closed the door after she exited the room. Seeing that everyone was out of the living room she threw the pillow on the couch and laid her head on it, covering herself with the blanket.

Her bed was only a twin-size bed, Dal was small but she would practically be squishing him if they were to share her bed. 

"Minjee-Ah?" Chan called, peeking from behind the corner. He wore a worried look when seeing her about to crash on the couch. "You're not going to share with Dal?" "It's too small of a bed for us to fit."

It fell silent until Minjee felt herself being lifted. "Yah!" She panicked whispered-yelled. On instinct, she wrapped her arms around Chan's neck. "Don't do that out of the blue!" Minjee scolded but was ignored.

He carried Minjee to his room, laying her on his full-size bed and tucking her in. She rolled her eyes, sticking her arms out of the covers. "Chan-ah, it's ok, really!" She said, attempting to get up. Chan pushed her back down and walked to the other side of the bed, lifting the covers up.

He slid in, tugging her towards him. "Just like back in Bora Bora." Chan mused making Minjee slightly chuckle.

She patted the hand that was on her stomach, zoning out into the dark space. "When should we tell Stay about Dal?" She asked in a hushed tone, she didn't want to keep Chan up but she couldn't fall asleep and Chan's voice was comforting to her.

֍Minjee֍ |SKZ 9th member|Where stories live. Discover now